chapter 10

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I flipped through all the different racks of clothing, Trying to find the perfect outfit for today. Not that anything important is happening, I just want to look nice. I finally decided on black jeans and a plain deep red crop top.

"So you're telling me that Alex, Zane's son, is actually nice and you and Killian almost did 'it' all while his fiance was on the literal same floor as you!" Rose exclaimed.

"Yes. I'm starting to regret telling you everything." I sighed. Rose came over this morning wanting to know every single detail that happened last night.

"I'm sorry, but this is just a lot to wrap my head around. I thought you hated Killian now."

"Well now I don't." I shrugged. "I have to go to breakfast now."

"Okay, tell me if anything interesting happens." She smiled.

"You know I will." I rolled my eyes, walking out of my room.

I was nervous for breakfast, I don't know if Liara will be there or not but I'm guessing she will be from now on. Not that it bugs me anymore, I know Killian doesn't like her so what do I have to be worried about?

I stopped in the middle of the hallway. It looks like there's construction going on in one of the rooms. The entire wall was broken into and the room looked like a complete disaster. I had a feeling Killian was partly to blame for this.

I walked into the dining hall. Liara was in the same spot as last night, The only person missing is Alex. Which reminds me that after breakfast I have to go check on him.

"Morning Vic!" Liara grinned as I sat down.

"My name is Victoria." I glared.

"Well yeah but Vic is just so much easier to say!"

"Call me Victoria please." I said. "It's the least you can do."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Oh nothing." I smirked.

"We don't have anything planned for you today so you can take this as a rest day." Cain said, finally speaking up.

I nodded, something is off with him today. I just can't put my finger on it.

Liara did most of the talking today. I haven't known her for long but already I can tell how much of a suck up she is, always complimenting Cain on how good of a leader he is blah, blah, blah. Her arm also didn't leave Killians the entire time.

Cain seems to like Liara too, he's oblivious to the way she's sucking up to him and it's annoying because it's so painfully obvious. They talked about a lot of stuff I didn't understand and didn't care to understand.

Killian and I would steal a few glances here and there but nothing too obvious, our relationship has to be kept a secret. Whatever relationship we have. We're not dating but we're definitely closer than friends so I'm not sure where our relationship stands at this point.

Breakfast finally ended and I started my way towards Alex's room, I don't even care if anyone finds me on the third floor anymore. I already had the route to Alex's room memorized, I knocked on the door hearing a muffled 'come in' from behind it. I opened the door to see him lying in his bed.

"Sorry about last night. You didn't deserve that." I sighed, sitting down on it.

"What's done is done, he had his reasons. If the girl I liked was hanging around some other guy I'd be just as mad." He shrugged.

"I would have imagined you to have a lot more bruises." I said. He had a few but you could barely tell.

"Yeah, you should've seen me last night. Since I'm a full vampire my cells are able to repair themselves faster, so the healing process is sped up." He explained.

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