chapter 13

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The day before the ball :

I sat on my bed, staring blankly out the window. I imagined the events for today playing out in front of me, knowing they wouldn't go how I expected them. I won't let the nerves hit me until dinner.

I heard a knock on my door before seeing Cherie walk in with a bright smile. "Ready for breakfast."

"Yeah." I smiled.

"Okay, I'll go grab your breakfast from downstairs." She said, leaving my room.

Cherie knocked and walked in with a tray full of pancakes, eggs, bacon and yogurt. I raised my brows, the chef really went all out today.

"Here you are." She smiled, setting the tray down on my bed.

"Thank you Cherie." I smiled.

"Of course! Let me know if you need anything." She said.

"Tell Rose I want to eat lunch with her today please."

"Will do." She smiled, walking out leaving me alone again.

I sighed contently, turning on a movie to distract my thoughts and to entertain me while I ate my food. After I finished the delicious breakfast I turned on the video Alex sent me, trying my best to copy the girls' moves exactly. I don't want to look like a complete idiot while dancing.

I've been doing this a lot recently, whenever I get really bored I just practice dancing, and I'm a fast learner so I'm proud to say I'm actually getting the hang of the dances.

Surprisingly, I wasn't as nervous as I thought I'd be for tomorrow. I know Killian will think of a plan. I trust him, I know he'll get me out of here tomorrow, he promised.

Maybe I shouldn't trust him so fast but he's given me no reason not to.

I can't say if I love him or not. Of course there is a part of me that absolutely does but I think I'm scared to admit it to myself. There's still a part of me that's scared there will be no plan and I'll lose him but I can't afford to think like that.

I could barely finish eating the pancakes but they were so good I couldn't just let them go to waste. After all, the cook probably poured their heart and soul into those pancakes.

I was just about to drift off into a food coma before Rose rudely opened the door, breaking me out of my tired state.

"Time to pick out jewelry and nail colors!" She sang, tossing mini suitcases on my bed.

"How long will this take?" I asked, raising a brow. I was really looking forward to that nap.

"Until lunch probably." She shrugged. "So we should get started."

I watched her lay out a wide array of necklaces, bracelets and rings. I widened my eyes, I don't know how I'll ever choose. Everything is so beautiful.

"Okay so I was thinking of gold jewelry and maybe pearls since you're wearing a deep green dress. Gold and green compliment each other and the pearls are just for the extra wow factor." She explained.

"Gold jewelry is fine with me." I said, focusing on the gold pieces.

"Now let me work my magic." She smirked, picking out a few items already.

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