chapter 17

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Killian left and I was left alone in the bathroom ... again. I can't believe he saw me throwing up. I guess all the nerves from this entire week finally caught up to me.

I walked over to the window, seeing even more people stepping out of limos. How can those things even make it up this damn mountain?! And how many people are going to be at the ball?

Rose came in a little after I woke up to eat breakfast with me and she filled me in on her part of the plan. I wanted to contribute somehow, I felt like they were doing everything while I'm just sitting back here.

Rose told me she'll come visit me again after lunch to get my hair, makeup and nails done and then finish it off with a dress. The ball starts at five but apparently everything I need to do in order to get ready will take four hours.

I sat in my room all afternoon. I literally couldn't do anything. I couldn't risk walking around, I don't know any of these people well enough to know how I should act around them or who I should avoid at all costs. But, maybe I could leave? Maybe if I just walk to Alex's room I'll be fine, but is he even in his room?

I sighed, laying down on my bed staring at the ceiling as if it were the most beautiful piece of artwork I've ever laid my eyes on. I heard the muffled voices of everyone downstairs and I got that terrible feeling when you feel like you've been missing out.

My brain hurt from all of my stressing and overthinking.

My heart also hurts. I wish I could be down there with my friends and hanging out, getting ready to go to a ball with Mira and having the time of my life. It felt like I was here but I also wasn't at the same time, like I'm floating through life just along for the ride.

I wish I could be with Killian, by his side at all times and supporting him through everything. I want to be able to hold his hand at the ball and show everyone he's mine.

That's another thing I have to think about. Killian always says I'm his but he's never actually confirmed if we were a thing or not. We're not dating but at the same time we are?

I was interrupted by my thoughts when my door opened with no knock. I sat up, scared that it was one of the random guests but relaxing once I saw that it was just Alex.

"Are you okay?" He asked, sitting down on my bed.

"Yeah, why?" I asked. Of course that was a lie, I guess that was just my default response whenever I was asked that question.

"Well, for starters, I can feel the emotions of someone when they're really intense and when I passed by your floor I got an overwhelming feeling of sadness and confusion and when I got closer to your room the stronger that feeling got." He stated, tilting his head.

I sighed, "I guess I'm just feeling my emotions."

"That's all I get, seriously?" He raised a brow.

"I just wish I could be as excited as all the guests here. I want to be able to have fun tonight without a worry in the world. I wish the circumstances were different and I could go to this ball with you and Killian and Rose and Mira as my friends and just have fun." I explained.

"Ugh." He sighed. "I hate feeling emotions sometimes because I can literally feel how you're feeling and I don't want you feeling like that. Try and enjoy yourself, We have everything under control."

"Yeah, that's easier said than done." I rolled my eyes.

Alex frowned, "I'll make sure you have at least some fun."

"Good." I grinned. "As long as there's someone I know and like with me I'll have fun."

He smiled and stood up walking over to my desk, picking up a few random items that were already here on my first day. None of it was personal to me or made me feel anything.

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