chapter 20

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I watched Vic make her way through the crowd from my throne. Liara was beside me with her hand on my shoulder.

"You were late." Cain said from beside me.

"I'm sorry, she was being uncooperative." I responded.

"Let's go out and dance." LIara whispered in my ear, pulling me from my seat. The only thing getting me through this grueling night was pretending Victoria was in Liara's place.

I Followed her and smiled at the guests. Victoria and Mira passed by me and she locked eyes with a small smirk playing on her lips. I focused on her thoughts.

'I hope you're thinking about me while you're dancing with your fiance.'

I internally groaned, this woman will be the death of me I swear. She went out of my sight too soon for my liking and Liara pulled us to the middle of the ballroom slightly swaying her hips to the music that was playing. I reluctantly put my hands to her hips, feeling disgusted the entire time.

Liara smiled, having the time of her life while I was hating mine right now. Just behind her in my perfect line of view Vic took a few long sips of her champagne silently killing me with every look. She winked quickly at me and turned to dance with Mira.

There were so many people in here, I found it hard to keep the thought's from staying out but I focused on the voice of Vic every time it got bad.

Waiters walked around the ball carrying different kinds of drinks and foods the entire time making sure no one got hungry. I saw Victoria talking to one of the waiters, Mitch. He was the main chef and he was nice. He was laughing at whatever she said and I wished I could teleport right beside her and claim her as mine.

He left and her eyes drifted to me. She smiled and shook her head softly, noticing my glare towards Mitch. The song ended and the familiar classical music started playing that signaled it was time for the big dance. I smirked and walked to the center of the dance floor watching as Alex grabbed Victoria's hand to dance. She groaned and tilted her head back but reluctantly joined the group. Alex conveniently stood beside me knowing we were to switch partners in the dance.

Liara and I did a few spins that were all too familiar to us before the time came to switch partners. Victoria did a spin into me and gently grabbed my hand placing her other one on my shoulders. I smiled softly at her as we continued to spin and dance around in a circle of people.

"Where'd you learn this dance?" I asked quietly.

"Alex gave me a heads up, I've been practicing." She smirks.

"It's played off." I grinned. "You're dancing really well."

"Why thank you Killian." She smiled, genuinely enjoying herself right now at this moment.

I took her arm and twirled her around in sync with all the other dancers. I could feel my fathers gaze on me and Liara's who was beside me. I pretended to look uninterested, like I didn't like Victoria when in reality this was the best moment of the ball so far.

We did a lot more twirling and spinning. Victoria was beaming, forgetting the whole reason for this ball. I was happy that I could help her forget for just a moment. Her dress looked absolutely perfect on her and complimented her complexion.

The time came where I spun her around and lifted her off the ground for just a few seconds. She let out the most beautiful laugh that I could listen to forever. I forgot about all the other people around us and felt like it was just me and Vic in the ballroom dancing together.

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