chapter 06

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Next time Rose asks to stay the night with me, I'm saying no. She made me stay up watching so many movies. Not that I was complaining, I now have at least 5 different movies I can add to my 'favorite movies' list, but now I'm extremely tired.

Rose doesn't need to survive on a lot of sleep, she only needs two hours and she's good to go. I think she forgot I'm human.

"We should do this again." She grinned, taking a piece of bacon in her mouth.

"Thank god I won't be here after the end of this week, I'm so tired!"

Rose sat on my bed, awkwardly staring at me. I was wondering why but quickly realized she thought I was serious.

"That was sarcasm." I said quickly. "I would love to do it again."

"Oh, okay good!" She laughed.

We spent the entire morning taking and getting to know each other more. I'm going to miss Rose, she told me that she'd try and come see me every day until the ball and keep me company. She also asked me to ask Killian if me and her could have breakfast every day in my room together.

"Good luck today. You will probably meet Liara at lunch or dinner. Most likely dinner, dinners are more formal. I'll be here before you go to dinner to dress you up." She smiled.

"Dress me up?" I asked, raising my brows.

"Yes! Cain probably won't tell you that she's coming, he'll expect you to not be dressed up, luckily for you I always overhear the gossip. You need to look amazing!" She exclaimed.

"If you say so." I shrugged. "When will I be able to see my dress?"

"Today, after lunch. I need to add a few finishing touches of my own." She smiled.

"Okay, I'm really excited for it!"

"You should be." She laughed. "I have to go do some work now but I'll see you later."

"Okay, bye Rose!" I smiled, giving her a small hug before she left.

I wasn't really nervous for dinner, I mean yeah she likes Killlian, but who wouldn't. I mean... have you seen him? Who wouldn't like him? I was kind of annoyed that he didn't warn me or anything, I thought we were getting closer.

My eyelids feel heavy and I reluctantly let myself fall asleep until lunch. After all, I did stay up extremely late and I have a feeling I'll be needing a lot of energy for tonight.

- - -

Cherie woke me up for lunch, turns out she was struggling to wake me up because I was supposed to be at lunch ten minutes ago, but at least I'm not tired anymore.

I had to quickly brush my hair and I was in leggings and a dark brown sweater. This will have to do for now.

"Thanks for waking me up Cherie!" I exclaimed, quickly leaving the room.

I hope Cain isn't too mad that I'm late and I also hope Alex won't be there to join us, he's almost just as bad as his dad. I'm going to keep an open mind about him, he is not his dad. Just because you have a terrible father doesn't mean you're a terrible son.

I opened the door to the dining hall and quickly walked over to my lunch that was already sitting in front of my chair. I avoided eye contact with Killian and Cain.

'Late? Way to make an entrance' Killians voice was in my head again. I rolled my eyes, is this going to be a recurring thing now?

'So now you won't look at me? Weren't you the one who was kissing me last night?' My eyes snapped to him and his stupid attractive little smirk. I almost said something out loud but bit my tongue.

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