chapter 22

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I grunted knocking down the second door. Alex and Becca were currently taking out the guards on the top floor. More and more started showing up, they must've been hiding in the woods.

I struggled getting in here, there was a barrier and I couldn't bring myself to break it. I wasn't let into this house and I can't enter somewhere without being invited. Once I finally broke in there was no stopping me.

Up until now I could clearly hear Vic's thoughts but they were gone now, she's not dead, she can't be. I easily broke down the last door. Vic was unconscious on a chair with a huge gash on the side of her arm and twenty vials laying beside her.

My body shook with rage as I rushed to the doctor who was still taking blood from her. I easily knocked him out after shoving him into the wall. He wasn't dead, but he will be. I grabbed a knife from the table and stabbed it through his heart.

I stood up, the knife still in my hand turning around slowly, finally making eye contact with my father and Liara.

"You'll both die." I sneered.

Cain rolled his eyes, "No, but you will."

"You know that's not true. I'm not afraid to kill you." I spat, wrapping a hand around his throat. "You are not my father and you never were. I hope you die knowing you're weak and that I'm the one getting my way this time."

He opened his mouth but I brought his head towards me before slamming it into the wall beside him. He's not dead but he is unconscious, I'll deal with him later.

I turned to Liara who was backing away from me while shaking her head. "Don't do this."

I looked down at Vic and the cut on her arm. "You did this?"

Liara didn't say anything, all she did was cry and shake her head. I saw Becca coming from down the stairs and I turned around, letting Becca deal with her.

"Sister." She smirked, before going at her.

I finally was able to tend to Vic. My hands shook as I wrapped up her arm with towels. This wouldn't help, she needs something more professional. I gently picked her up and brought her upstairs, Becca following after once she was done with Liara. I set Vic down on the couch.

Alex came in from outside after he was done fighting. He didn't say anything as he walked over to Vic.

"She's not going to make it." He shook his head. "She's lost too much blood, and she's way too pale and cold."

"What can we do?" I pleaded, I can't lose her.

Becca slowly turned to me. "You know what you have to do."

"I can't," I shook my head. She meant I had to turn her, I can't do that. Vic did admit a few days ago she wanted to be like me, that she wanted to be sure, but I wanted to ask her permission for sure. This is a big decision and I couldn't make it for her. Deciding to live for eternity is a big deal and I'm not sure if I even would want to choose to live for eternity.

"Becca, go get Rose. She's trained in first aid, and tell her to bring my fathers kit. It's in my room in the closet." Alex stated, "And hurry. I know what I have to do but I need her help and grab as many blood packs as you can from the fridge and an empty one."

Becca nodded and ran off to go get Rose. I kneeled beside him.

"What are you going to do?" I asked.

"I can transfer blood into her system. You won't need to change her but the blood from the fridge isn't pure. She'll need to feed on blood once a month to survive and she will live a longer lifespan but that's it. The empty one is to put all the vials of her blood into." He explains. "You better pray that Becca's fast."

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