chapter 07

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A guy escorted me to dinner and he didn't say a word the entire time. A lot of the people here never say a word to me. I wasn't nervous, I was still angry at Killian and I kept telling myself I didn't care that Liara was going to be there hoping I'd believe it at some point.

I can't deny the fact I like Killian. Something about me is attracted to him and my mind always seems to wander back to him.

I'm going to ignore him the entire time and I will do my best to enjoy the dinner. Hopefully Liara isn't as bad as Rose made her out to be.

He opened the door and shut it behind me. I was the last one to be there. Everyone was dressed up nicely. Killians back faced me and a girl was sitting beside him. I ignored him and took my regular seat, Alex sitting in front of me. I offered him a small smile, deciding to give him a blank slate. He gave me an apologetic smile in response.

"Victoria! I'd like you to meet Liara!" Cain smiled, holding up an arm towards Liara.

I turned and finally got a good look at her, my stomach dropping. She had beautiful porcelain skin and deep red lips. Her dress was strapless and a deep red color, the dress was showing off her breasts. She had long straight, black hair with no split ends in sight. She was beautiful, anyone could tell.

My eyes went to Killian who was next to her. He looked as good as ever. His outfit was an all black, black button up shirt that was on the tighter side, allowing me to see his outlined muscles. The sleeves were rolled up just below his elbow and a few of the buttons near his chest were unbuttoned, showcasing a few of his tattoos.

"I've heard so much about you." She smiled, her voice sounded smooth and fancy.

"Really? I have been the center of conversation recently so I'm not too surprised. I've heard nothing about you until this morning." I smirked, seeing Alex who was in front of me holding back a laugh. 

I decided then that maybe he wasn't so bad and seriously considered that fact that he didn't mean to attack me earlier. 

Liara looked slightly taken aback but quickly recovered. "Don't get too full of yourself, you are talking to the next vampire queen. Right Killian?"

"That's right." He smirked, looking over at her as she grabbed his hand.

'You better behave yourself tonight and not cause a scene.' Killian said... or thought, I internally rolled my eyes, of course he'd get in my head again.

"Alex, I love your shirt. The color really compliments you well." I smiled at him, my eyes obviously scanning him. He was wearing a deep red wine suit that was so dark you could barely even tell it was red if he weren't in the light. He did look good, if his dad wasn't a complete creep and he wasn't rude I'd think he's attractive.

"Thank you Victoria." He tilted his head, wondering why I was suddenly being so nice. His eyes flickered towards Killian who was currently glaring at me and he put the pieces together with a smirk. "You look very good too. You should wear that color more often, it brings out your eyes."

"Thank you! I might just start wearing it more." I smiled.

"Good, it's definitely your color although I'm sure you look good in anything." He winked.

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