One Hundred Twelve |

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One Hundred Twelve |

I took a small breath, my eyes narrowing, "Can you repeat that?"

"If you lead the sick back here, I will kill you."

My eyebrow twitched, "Yes, yes mysterious stranger, I heard you the first fucking time. Why are you going to kill me if I lead them here."

"Back here," he corrected, not lowering his gun, "Those zombies were lured out of the mall years ago, and trapped under the bridge."

"Uh no," I replied, standing up, "They were certainly not under the bridge. They were on the bridge, and I had to cross the bridge. Whoever trapped the zombies under the bridge were dumb not to kill them all then and there."

"Kill the sick?" he repeated.

"Why do you keep calling them sick?" I demanded.

He lowered his gun, "Because that's what they are. We lead them away so that one day they can be cured. We do not kill the sick around here."

This man...he was so different than the Isle of Paradise and the way he spoke, I knew he wasn't alone. Not to mention he said 'we' which meant he was with others. I had so many questions for this stranger. But the first was—

"Who are you?" I asked softly.

His brow rose, and he looked past me. The noises of the undead growing stronger.

"They're here," he hissed, his eyes blazing, "Listen. If you help me lead them back under the bridge, I'll let you live and maybe even answer a few of your questions. If you don't--"

"You'll kill me," I grumbled, rolling my eyes.

He nodded, slipping his Glock into it's holster, "You got it."

"Fine," it was a sigh, "Owl you stay out of danger. Ok?"

Owl yawned, laying down.

"Hm," he said slowly, "And what's your plan?"

I shrugged, "I'll just lead them away."

Before he could ask me any more questions, I began jogging back out the broken door. He was right, the horde was crossing the parking lot now, heading back towards the mall. So I started jogging around the front of the horde. They turned, following after my form. Had a horde of hundreds of zombies not been following me, I would have found the scene comical: the rotting zombies tripping over each other to follow after lil' old me.

I pumped my legs as I reared a little too close to the front of the horde, their grub filled fingers tangling in my jacket. I pulled away, and demand my legs go faster. My chest ached, my head swimming with dizziness but I kept pushing onwards. My eyes widened at the sight of the crowd on the bridge, and I was thankful I was going under the bridge, not on it. So I slowed slightly, turning my sprint into a lazy jog as I climbed down the side of the hill (which lead up to the bridge) and awkwardly stood in the middle of the road underneath the bridge.

Slowly, the zombies began to descend the hill. And then I realized, the zombies were coming down both sides, and I was trapped. My heart picked up and I urged Zero to use her ability to keep me hidden from them. She did nothing.

"Zero," I hissed.

Not one peep.

"Zero!" I screamed, panicking as they continued to flood the road.

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