Seven |

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Seven |

"Howdy stranger," Cerci called spotting me from my spot on Cam's porch.

My eyes drifted up, a smile tugging onto my face.

"She can stay with us, I'm sure Jax won't mind. Not to mention he'll be training her."

Instantly, my smile was gone and my eyes narrowed.

"Whoa, that's a fierce look. Normally people have that one when they think of Jax – let me guess he said something rude?" Cerci laughed coming to sit beside me.

I chuckled, not doubting her for a second.

"At least it went well with Alana. Not that it doesn't, she always sees the complete good in people. Take Jax for example, I know he can come off rude and insensitive but he's actually a really good person," she hummed.

My mind flashed to the clothing I was wearing, and my face heated up. I looked up at the darkening sky. It's already night time? I guess, time flew by today with everything that has happened.

A yawn escaped my lips making my eyes widen in shock as they turned to Cerci who looked at me equally shocked. Then she laughed, while a blush danced across my cheeks.

"Tiring day huh? I should be heading down to the bar, if you ever want to hang out find me at the shop, or the bar at nights. It was nice meeting you Mira," she giggled wrapping an arm around me.

I smiled at the close contact.

"You too Cici," I teased.

Her eyes widened, then she stuck her tongue out at me.

"You and Cam both suck." She cried getting up.

I couldn't help but shake my head as she pranced down the porch, and towards the road. At the road, she waved me goodbye with a happy grin, and I waved back. Her figure then turned as she began her way towards the center shops.

A chilly breeze went by, and I yawn again growing even more tired by the second. Standing, and stretching my back I could hear the door open behind me. I turned around to see Cam smiling in the doorway. I noted his hair messy and wet, and little droplets clinging to his face. I looked away quickly.

"Come on in, before you get sick again," he said with a warm smile.

I nodded, following him inside as he led me down the hall to one of the rooms.

"Oh, I can sleep in the living room," I stated quickly waving him off.

He shrugged.

"Don't complain, take the damn room," grumbled a deeper voice.

My eyes widened, as I looked up to see a shirtless Jax in the living room. Heat rushed to my face as I felt dizzy. He was very fit, muscles upon muscles it seemed. With a tattoo of a dragon across his side. I had to clench my jaw to keep it from dropping.

"O-ok," I mumbled stumbling back into the room that Cam had opened the door to.

Jax grinned, causing me to snap back to my senses. My eyebrow twitched and I glared at him, then my hand shot out to slam the door loudly.

"Thank you Cam!" I called ignoring Jax entirely.

He could kiss my ass. I don't care what Cici had said, I don't think Jax had a nice bone in his body. Maybe that's because he was all muscle. A delicious shiver went down my spine and I shook my head viciously.

"Go to sleep Erin," I snapped to myself.

I turned in the dark room and instantly spotted the bed. I stumbled over, and lurched forward only realizing now how tired I really was. I think the moment my head hit the pillow I was already drifting away. Completely forgetting the fact I called myself by my old name.

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