Seventy Four |

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Seventy Four |

We rested in the town house for the night before rising with the sun and eating breakfast. Breakfast consisted of adding two cans of peaches to a large bowl long with one can of mixed fruit and a can of baby carrots. The taste was certainly odd but it was all we could find. After eating our fill and drinking the odd tasting concoction we were good to go.

That's where our problems lie.

The hospital was almost five streets up, which normally wouldn't be a problem. Unfortunately, considering the amount of infected...this would be a huge problem. Not to mention both Jax and Sebastian think I'm too unwell to move.

After a large amount of arguing, we finally agreed to climb back onto the roof and decide a plan from there. At least then we could see our possible route. With our backs to the rest of the roof, we looked far into the distance. It sat there mocking us, looming over the street.

"We could fight our way through," I muttered.

Jax rolled his eyes, "That's stupid. One bite and we're fucked."

"What about a distraction," Lisa piped up, "Draw them away from the path then run."

I shook my head, "We can't distract six streets."

"Then you come up with an idea," Jax snapped.

Beside me, Sebastian suddenly paused, then turned around. I paid no attention to it until he was elbowing my side. It was then we all grew quiet, and behind us was the clear sound of a gun cocking. My eyes widened as I spun. My heart hammering in my chest as I looked across the roof to where a young boy stood. A Glock in his shaking hands, tears dripping down his face.

"Hey, hey," Jax said slowly to him, "easy. Who are you? What do you want?"

The boy sniffled, "P-Put your hands up!"

We all obeyed except Sebastian, "Not happening kiddo. You gonna shoot me then make sure you don't miss. Cause if I catch you first, my foot's going up your ass."

His eyes widened in shock, "S-Shut up!"

Meanwhile, my eyes rolled, "Sebastian shut up before you get us all killed."

"Relax love," he snorted, taking a step towards the kid, "He's not going to shoot us."

The poor kid shook the gun, "S-Stop! Don't come any closer!"

The gun went off, into the air and Sebastian froze. I muttered under my breath; he was such an idiot. After letting my eyes linger on Sebastian for one more moment, I then turned to the boy. He was scrawny and short. His clothing dirty and his dark locks greasy. However, that wasn't all I noticed. I noticed the exhaustion and desperation behind his eyes.

He was scared.

But not for himself.

"We won't hurt you," Jax said softly, slowly lowering his hands, "We can help you."

I nodded, "My name is Mira. This is Sebastian, Jax and Lisa. We come from a town near here, with food, water, protection and other kids. You're safe in our care."

He didn't lower his gun, "Why are you here then?"

"We were sent for supplies," Jax told him honestly, "But we can take you back with us."

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