Seventy Eight |

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            Seventy Eight |

            I didn't have to open my eyes to know where I was. I could smell the fresh grass, I could feel the soft breeze tickle across my skin. Slowly, I peeled them open. Sure enough, I stood in Dreamland, wearing a long blue ballgown. My hair had been braided, a small tiara on my head. Across from me was Zero. She wore the exact same outfit but hers was stained with blood.

            I frowned.

            "What is this?" the anger in my voice was clear.

            Her eyes flickered from the blue sky to me, in those green iris was pure fear. Her hands rose, towards my chest. She shoved me. I gasped, falling backwards. My body went through the grass, the scene tormenting as I fell into a pool of black sludge. My mouth fell open, I breathed in the tar. Gasping for air, no oxygen filled me.

            They're coming.

            My eyes popped open and I threw my body forward. My hands instinctively found my throat as I panted fresh, clean air. A rhythmic beeping sounded throughout the room and for a second I was lost. Confusion filled me as I looked around the stark white room. I wore a blue paper gown, wire connecting from my body to an IV and heart monitor.

            I was in a hospital?

            No. That wasn't right. My sense came rushing back to me as I realized Raymond must know. Beside me sleeping in a chair was Sebastian. His head slumped to the side as he slept, soft snores floating from him. For a moment my hand reached for him before I paused. He was tired, he should sleep a bit longer. A soft smile stretched on my face as I stared at him. He looked so cute, so peaceful.

            Suddenly, the door opened, and Raymond stepped into the room. He wore a smile of his own on his face, wearing his signature white coat. In his fingers was a chart, and I knew instantly it held all my secrets. My own smile melted away quickly.

            "Your vitals look good," he said, jarring Sebastian awake with his voice, "You can leave whenever you want. I'm sure Jax wants to talk to you as soon as possible."

            Sebastian rubbed his face, "Yo doc, is that coffee offer still up?"

            "Of course," Raymond replied, "Just down the hall."

            As he left, Sebastian gave me a wink. I snorted, rolling my eyes. Once the door was closed however, Raymond took his spot in the chair. My eyes followed his movements very closely. His actions confused me. I was sure he saw the bites and yet he didn't react.

            "Why?" was all I could manage.

            He looked at me, those brown eyes softening, "Because it's not my business. It never was. Even back then, I was a cancer doctor. Anything other than that was simply not my story to tell. As long as it was done ethically, and didn't make anything worse."

            Dr. Brown.

            Raymond Brown.

            The truth hit me like a truck.

            That's how the Town of Roses knew what the virus was called. This was no doubt how they survived so long or at all. My face turned slightly towards the window. We were on the second floor of his clinic, from here I could see the guards rushing around. Body bags being pulled towards a church I never visited.

            "How long was I out?" I asked softly.

            "A few hours. Nothing more."

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