Seventy Two |

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*This is a reminder that THE DEAD ZONE IS NOT COMPLETE! Season (which are books) one and two are complete. This is why the overall story is marked as complete. THERE WILL BE WEEKLY UPDATES AS NORMAL. Do not worry! Updates are still happening. Season three and four are still being worked on and will be updated!

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Seventy Two |

"I don't think we'll make it," Lisa said nervously.

My teeth found my bottom lip as I looked across the roof once more. The closest roof was about five feet away and slightly lower than this roof. Normally, jumping such a distance would be insane but the height difference was an advantage for us.

I really think we could.

"I can go first," Sebastian offered, "Then if I can't make it you can figure out a different plan. I think that's our best option now."

My eyes rolled, "Not happening. If anything I'll go first. It was my plan."

"No," he tried to argue before I gave him a dirty look, "Fine. Fine."

After our discussion I realized Jax hadn't piped in once. I tilted my head to see him sitting on the edge of the roof silently. His gaze towards the sea of undead. Leaving Lisa and Sebastian to talk I moved beside him. Carefully sitting beside him, he tilted his head towards me slightly.

"Are you afraid?" he then asked quietly.

I was surprised by his question but only for a moment, "No."

He chuckled, "Of course not. I think that's one of the differences between us. You're fearless, you know what needs to be done even if it means to put your life on the line."

"I didn't say I was fearless," I replied softly, "I just meant right now I'm not."


I said nothing for a moment because I needed to think about my answer. It was like a tornado of emotions inside me. Why was I not afraid right now? My eyes drifted towards Lisa and Sebastian before a smile dipped onto my face. Sebastian pretended to throw her over the roof, Lisa shrieked pulling away. But not before kneeing him in the crotch. As he bent in pain, Lisa laughed in victory. It made me giggle softly before turning back to Jax.

It made me think of my father. Of the countless situations where we were faced with certain death. And yet, each time my father seemed to be fearless. It gave my younger self hope, adoration because I knew I could be afraid and he'd take on all that fear. He'd soak it up and let me cry, then when I couldn't cry any longer, he'd share his strength with me.

"It's easy to be afraid," I then said, smiling at the sweet memories, "It's so easy to strive towards self preservation and bask in that fear. But what then? When it's all said and done you're left with loneliness and more fear. I'm not afraid because I know even if I fail I would have failed instead of them. And if I succeed, then I get to live another day and survive with those I love. We live in a world where we must fight every day, but that doesn't mean we have to just survive. We choose to live, so why not live a little happier?"

He chuckled, "I guess you're right."

"Self preservation is boring without friends," I giggled before standing, and holding out my hand towards him, "And it's worse with enemies. We could die at any moment, so until then let's be friends."

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