Six |

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Six |

"Don't touch me," I snipped pushing him away – to fall right onto my butt.

Hazel eyes glared down at me, and he tossed something at me. I flinched as a bundle landed on my lap then looked down to see what he had thrown.

"Sorry, I wasn't Cameron," he snarled before I could hear him walking away.

I bit my lip when I had realized on my lap sat a pair of men's sweatpants and a black tank top. Instantly a blush rolled across my cheeks at my own quick judgement; I knew I couldn't blame years of loneliness on my reaction.

"Damn," Cameron's voice now said from above me, I tilted my head up and tried to ignore the harsh sun in my view, "I'm sorry I didn't realize Caren would do this."

I also noted he didn't comment on the actions between his brother and I, and for that I was grateful. I wouldn't even begin to try and explain it. Instead, I hugged the clothing tightly to my chest and smiled slightly at him.

"Is there somewhere I can change?" I asked not wanting to go back into the tent.

He looked away, his face blushing, "Yes uh, you can change at my place if you'd like?"

I hesitated, looking towards the clear sky in thought. I honestly didn't want to run into Jax again. However, I also did not want to tramp around in this outfit, not to mention it did not suit my dirty, greasy hair and grimy body.

"Could I bathe too?" I was getting greedy and hopeful at this point.

However, he merely laughed, the rich sound causing eyes to turn towards him. I ducked my head down, and also realized I was still sitting. I pushed myself up and trailed after him as he started to lead me down a wide dirt road. The town itself seemed to be in great standing, with people thriving all around us. It was still a small village however, it seemed heavily protected. With more soldier people waltzing around with big guns.

"Over there is what we call the center shops, it really has the only two shops in town, the doctor's office and the bar, across from it to the south is the mayor's house and the town hall," he informed me pointing out the different places.

"How do you pay for things?" I asked confused.

He shrugged, "coins mainly. But Clark lets you barter if you don't have any coins. Everyone in this town looks out for each other."

Except apparently certain people who pretend to be men. We kept walking, a few people greeted Cameron with a hello, or a wave and I was beginning to realize he was quite popular here. He stopped us at a group of houses that resembled more of cottages than actual houses.

"This is the main housing here, however if you work for the tent then you get your own apartment at the very northern wall, on the east side. Me and Jax live in that house," he pointed to a house that was adorned with tulips and a rose bush, "Cerci did the flowers."

I nodded along, like I knew what he was talking about. In truth, my attention was focused in the farm house set off a little ways, near a few gazing cows, horses and what looked like chickens – or ducks.

It amazed me how evolved this settlement was – I even saw electricity in the tent. Despite Landon and his jerk of a cousin, I wanted to stay here. So desperately so. How long had it been since I didn't have to run, no how long had it been since I had felt safe? I couldn't remember. It had been years, for sure.

"You can change and shower in our house. After, we should visit Alana, she always makes awesome duck stew," he sighed in delight.

A shiver ran down my spine.

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