Sebastian's Story: 2/3

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Part Two of Three:

"Oh sick!" I exclaimed excited.

On the way to Wolf Cove I found a comic bookstore. Considering I might die any day, I went inside. Taking pleasure in little pieces of happiness. And happy I was. Because this shop had a golden Vegeta! The statue was only a few inches tall but they were rare. Only four made in the entire world and my ass found one! Grabbing it, I shoved it down my pants. A grin on my face as I left the shop.

He'd look great beside my Bulma figurine.


I continued my walk, when suddenly I stopped. My eyes widened. The loud thudding vibrated across the ground. Earthquake? I was moving backwards suddenly, until my back was against the building. My hands stretched out, my hands shaking, the figurine falling from my fingers.

"My name is Sebastian!" I yelled over the thunder.

Maxwell sighed, stepping on my face, "Come now Four. Enough."

I screamed, lightening flashed. Allowing me to see the people around him. A guard held an umbrella over his head. The rain hurt. I was cold. My whole body hurt. I wanted Mother. Mother was warm. She liked my name. I wouldn't forget it. I wouldn't give it up.

"S-Sebastian is m-my name," I whispered.

Maxwell shook his head before bringing down the baseball bat again.

I blinked, the noise overwhelming. I heard them before I saw them. A herd of deer cut across the road. My jaw fell open. There were so many. I'm guessing since the virus became airborne their numbers went up with the lack of humans. I breathed slowly as they disappeared. One trailed behind, tripping and falling. A baby. It let out a cry. Crying for it's herd to come back. I stepped forward, never seeing such a beautiful creature so close.

"Hey there," I whispered with a smile.

It looked at me terrified, trying to stand. My hands moved to help it back up when a low growl sounded behind me. My eyes widened and I turned, slowly. My hands out as I did. Behind me was a single wolf. It's fur matted and one eye missing. He prowled forward, baring his teeth. Behind me, the deerling let out noises of fear and panic.

I moved out of the way and the wolf got his meal.

My journey continued.

There was guilt, I felt guilty for leaving the wolf to tear apart the abandoned deerling but what could I do about it? I knew the difference between bravery and stupidity. The deerling was a lost cause, no doubt that wolf had a pack behind him. And even if he didn't, the deerling's life just wasn't worth the pain and suffering. Not to mention if I saved the deerling then the wolf would die.

And I was always more of a wolf kind of man.

From what I gathered, Marianna's base was an old wolf reserve. Which meant, if I was lucky, then I was close now. No doubt the wolves of the reserve had relocated when Marianna and Felix moved in but they wouldn't have relocated far. Not when their hunting grounds was still within the land of the reserve.

So I clung onto that hope.

The sun eventually set again, but this time there was no homes or shops to camp out in. It was just me and a seemingly never ending road. Which was fine, I had camped in the darkness of night many times before and will many times after. Unless Maxwell sent one of the Well dogs after me. One of the girls, I forgot her number and I never learned her name but I read about her ability. She had enhanced sight. So if he sent those ones after me, then I'd be as good as dead anyways.

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