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"Fuck yeah!" Someone yells throughout the locker room and I'll gladly take the win

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"Fuck yeah!" Someone yells throughout the locker room and I'll gladly take the win. I did not let a single puck through and coach Benson has a pleased look on his otherwise sour puss face.

Levi nearly claps his hands as he get out of the shower and starts putting on his suit and tie in no time. "Can we get out of here already. Jules needs to see his girl." He has either sniffed coke or something else is going on. Nah, Lee has a strict no drugs policy. He wouldn't even let me smoke a little weed around him or at the house. He's that scared to fail a stupid piss test.

I'm not.

Not really.

Life on the edge is fun.

Jules chuckles and he's definitely not as rushed as Levi. "Yeah I really do, but you've never been concerned about that."

"Yes, I have." Levi looks down at Jules with a frown. "What are you waiting for, you wanna go see misses Martin or not?"

Yeah right, I know what's going on.

"Hold up, hold up." I wave my hands around. "You." I address Levi, and he gives me a grimace, knowing what's coming. "I bet my dick, you are a little too excited to meet Luna's friends."

"You can keep your dick thanks." Levi scrapes his throat as he watches the towel hang loosely around my hips. "Come on, it's not that obvious is it?"

"Yeah, kind of is Lee. Sorry." Jules shrugs and he begins to get dressed. I'm not in a hurry whatsoever. None of Luna's friends would be enough to get Butterfly girl out of my head. She has captivated me ever since our little hookup, but hey was that really just a hookup? Not when it felt like so much more. Don't get me wrong, I know she's bad, she's heartbreak, but she so so fucking good at the same time. "Also, nobody wants a dick that's been hanging out with Kinsley." Jules pretends to barf.

"Jeez, I really traumatized you, didn't I?" But I already know the answer. Kinsley is loud, but the positions she gets in, damn yeah traumatizing to watch and hear. I feel my top lip pull up thinking about her, and chills run down my spine. Let me tell you, not the good kind.

"Traumatized? I hope I never run into her at campus... I won't ever look at her shoelaces the same way."

Lee is attentively following the conversation "What the hell do you need her shoelaces for?"

"Lee, trust me, you don't want to know." Jules's eyes go wide.

"Let's not talk about Kinsley please. Every time I hear her name I feel taking a shower in holy water or something." I huff, shaking the chills away.

"Yeah quit talking and get dressed. You're slow." Levi is already dressed and way to hyped up.

"Nothing new." Jules ads and I squeeze my eyes at both of them.

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