12 🦋 SOPHI

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Practice on an empty stomach?

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Practice on an empty stomach?

Yup, it's as horrible as it sounds.

Maybe even worse!

For one, I'm craving anything at this point, even pickles and mayonnaise would be fine. For two, that's absolutely disgusting, even for me and my hungry ass. Also, coach did not have mercy on me, not even after winning this weekend's game. Winning you say?

We fucking smashed the other team into outer space.

Ha. That's more like it.

I'm even surprised I managed to stop a single puck, because my head wasn't in it, not even for one pathetic second.

Guess where it was?

Uhu, with that brunette that still has my good luck tie after we... Oh you know... Would it be fine to say fucked my rules into outer space as well? Because I told myself one thing... Ezra and feelings... Never again. Yet, it's getting harder by the minute not to fall for that rare butterfly. Especially after she broke down in front of me. It was a different side to her than that confident goddess flirting with me at a bar. No, there was more. The Sophia I saw last Friday was a human being, with struggles and insecurities, a little girl who's spirit had been crushed like mine. Over and over, and it was making me fall faster and faster. Melt even and a Miller boy, doesn't melt.

But just Ezra, he might.

"What's wrong?" Jules nudges me in the shoulder after walking out of the shower after practice. Thank god for towels in this place though.

"Mhh?" I whirr, as I don't know what he's talking about. Well, apart from the fact I have been quite for the past thirty minutes. Which is an unusually long time for me.  

He sits down next to me on the bench as I try to figure out how to properly put on socks on damp feet. Don't judge me, that shit's a fucking basic struggle. One I clearly haven't mastered yet. "Come on." He nudges me again. "Ezzy, you haven't said more than two words today. Not even when coach was finally praising you for Sunday's game. Regular you would have rubbed that in everybody's face at least twice."

"Wrong. A bare minimum of four times is regular me." I smirk at him, but that quickly fades into a steady frown. "Nah, forget it. It's nothing. I'm just distracted." I shrug, not a single lie told.

Jules wiggles his brows at me before getting up to finally put some clothes on. Me? Still struggling with these silly socks. "Let me guess. A distraction called Sophia?"


I swear I will never ever tell you anything!

"Your pretty girlfriend told you didn't she?" I narrow my eyes at him and he instantly holds his hands up in the air like I'm pointing a gun at him. Not a gun, nah. Two eyeballs for daggers is more like it.

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