First kiss

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Fabio Quartararo: 

He waits a little while to kiss you because he wants the time to be right and he wants to know that you like him for him and not just for the fame he has as he's been in that situation before and regretted moving too fast. After going on a few dates and spending more time with you he realises that you aren't like some of the other girls he's been with and you actually like to be around him no matter what which is a relief. Once he knows you are genuinely into him he vows to himself that he will properly let you in by telling you how he feels when the time is right. 

That right time doesn't take long to come around as he invites you round to his for dinner which he makes himself and he even puts a lot of effort into setting up, he puts candles out and has music playing lightly in the background. After dinner you both go and stand out on his balcony looking out at the stars and the night sky while his arm is around your waist gently holding you to his side. It takes him a few minutes to work up the confidence but when he does he gets your attention and asks if he can kiss you and when you agree he leans in and kisses you gently for a few second before pulling away leaving you both with smiles on your face as you go in for another kiss. 

Marc Marquez: 

Marc is a bit more confident about it and would much rather spend time getting to know you as friends so that you both get along and he knows he can trust you before he even asks you on a date. By doing that it avoids the awkward part of a first date where you have to get to know each other and talk about his job which he hates to do as he much prefers to talk about other things. It also makes him feel better about making a move on you because he knows you well enough to know when you are uncomfortable and where your boundaries are which he thinks makes it go smoother and he's right it makes the date a lot less awkward. 

He takes you on a casual lunch date to a place that luckily wasn't too busy but a few people still came up to him but thats just part of going anywhere with Marc and you are used to it after being friends for a while. To make up for all the interruptions he takes you on a walk to the spot he goes to all the time to get away and showed you the view as well as taking the opportunity to talk with you a bit more without anyone else being able to overhear you. The two of you hang out for a while before he walks you back to your house but before he lets you go inside he grabs your wrist and pulls you closer leaving you staring into each other's eyes. That lasts until he leans forward closing the gap between you both taking you slightly by surprise but you kiss him back and deepen the kiss for a few moments until you both pull away. 

Alex Marquez:

Alex waits the longest because he is just too worried about you rejecting him as he likes having you around and doesn't want things to change if he tells you how he truly feels. He is just so clueless to your hints that you have feelings too and whenever anyone tries to tell him that he shrugs them off which means no progress is ever made. Eventually there comes a point where you are all he thinks about and he can't take it anymore so he gets Marc to hype him up and help convince him to tell you how he feels which takes him a while as Alex is so stubborn and very worried about how you will react. 

To make it slightly easier he waits until he sees you again so that he doesn't make himself too nervous by inviting you round especially to tell you. That doesn't seem to help though as the longer you spend together the more nervous he gets to the point he almost backs out until he gets a text from Marc telling him to just go for it. He takes that as a sign and begins to tell you how he feels but then begins to ramble on about how he would understand if you didn't feel the same which starts to annoy you as you just want to tell him you feel the same. You just can't get his attention so you quickly put your hands on his jaw and pull him into a kiss and he kissed you back pretty much right away. The both of you pull away and he just smiles at you before kissing you again. 

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