Alex Marquez- First Christmas

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Merry Christmas everyone and if you don't celebrate Christmas happy holidays I hope you al all safe and well and have enjoyed the day 

Christmas has always been my favourite time of year and this year I couldn't be more excited because it's mine and Alex's first Christmas with our little boy which is something I've been thinking about since I found out I was pregnant, there is just so many things to do together for the first time like decorating the tree and giving him presents that he will have no recollection of but we will. Usually me and Alex don't put the decorations up on the 1st as we don't have time but seeing as we have been trying to relax a little more since baby arrived we actually have time this year, another reason for doing it so early is because it is going to take a long longer between having to take breaks to feed him or put him down for a nap so it may take us all day or even into tomorrow.

As much as it has been hard having a newborn it has brought so much joy to our lives I mean who doesn't love a baby smiling and giggling and just getting to hold him has been like a dream come true after having such a miserable pregnancy. Getting to see a different side of Alex has also been interesting he's just so smitten with his son and he's been so helpful doing as much as he can to allow me to get some sleep which doesn't happen but the thought is nice. We have had a good schedule going recently since feeds have become more regular as well as nap times so we got up at 6am as always and Alex went to make some breakfast while I changed the baby and fed him which is just how we have managed to make this work and later Alex will take over. 

We had breakfast together before getting started on the decorations, to be able to provide any help at all I put on our little baby carrier so that I can lift boxes and actually have free hands. I took all of the lighter boxes while Alex took heavier things even though I tried to offer help which he just wouldn't accept. Once everything was dumped in a pile in the living room we took a minute to drag out the cot to put baby down for a nap in the same room as us mainly because it makes life easier with not having to have the monitor right there and then as soon as he wakes up we can show him the decorations and even get him to help put on an ornament or too worth out assistance of course. As much as I love our little boy getting a moment to ourselves to do something a bit more normal that isn't sleep is quite nice so we took a minute after putting the tree up to stand together with Alex stood behind me with his arms around my waist looking at the lights. 

"It feels weird that you aren't pregnant this Christmas and we have a baby it's like we are a complete family now" Alex said 

"I couldn't agree more it's also nice not to feel so awful like I did last year" I agreed 

"Yeah we are just both sleep deprived this year" Alex laughed 

It was so true as much as we try to joke about it some weeks I think we sleep about 8 hours between us which is not fun but our boy is so worth it he's just so cute. Being so sleep deprived we often go a bit crazy when doing things so when we started looking for lights to put on the tree even though it's pre lit all we could do was laugh at each other and just reconsider our life choices for a moment before getting on with actually decorating the tree. Since Alex is taller he always does the top part of the tree while I did the bottom part which is way more efficient especially with our limited time but we have always done it this way for some reason so we just continue each year. 

Little one woke up after a few hours when we had pretty much finished the tree and some inter things but left a few ornaments off so we could put them on with him, all of the ornaments were his like ones of his foot and handprints from just a few days old and a little bauble that said first Christmas on it. I held him in my arms as Alex grabbed his hand and used it to pit the ornaments on the tree and sure he didn't actually put them on the tree but it was close enough for us, the next job was the star on top so I climbed up our little step ladder thing and put it on the top of the tree showing him what I was doing. He was so intrigued by all the lights all around because they are all new and bright and he seems to be really into all things bright at the moment which is really cute. Of course we had to take pictures as well to add to the millions we have in our camera rolls and to the albums we have been keeping up of all the milestones, luckily with him only being a few months old pictures aren't too hard to get because there is no wriggling around or trying to get him to look at the camera he just kind of sits there. Alex set up his phone on a timer so we could take pictures all together which were sent straight to family as they always like to see pictures. 

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