Jorge Martin- Hide it

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These past few weeks have been horrific as I've been so sick to the point that when I can barely keep any food down which has made me very weak and feeling even more ill. It has been truly awful and I'm still not feeling any better even after being ill for over two weeks but the only plus is that Jorge has been great at taking care of me and I've probably seen more of him in the last few weeks than I had in the few months before that. After feeling the way I've done for so long I have kind of figured out what is wrong with me but I'm too scared to actually do anything to confirm it at least until Jorge is back as he's been away at a race this weekend. In fact all I've been thinking about while he was away was what is going to happen if my suspicions are right.

I was quickly brought out of my thoughts when the front door opened and Jorge came in running straight over to check on me like he has been doing every time he has to leave the house. This time I wasn't quite so happy to see him as it meant I had to face reality and just do the test I've been dreading doing. Without saying any words I got up and dragged him to the bathroom where I had the test ready and luckily he instantly understood what I was worried about so he hugged me, whispered that everything would be ok in my ear and left the bathroom to allow me to do the test. I did the test and put it on the counter before going over to Jorge and cuddling with him to hopefully calm my nerves about all of this. 

Jorge and I have talked about having kids before but never seriously as we both have other things we want to focus on like our careers so knowing I could be pregnant is scary because I don't know how Jorge will react. I would like to think that Jorge wouldn't leave me if I was pregnant but I can't help but worry about it. Also the thought of having to deal with being pregnant and the fans and media is quite nerve wracking as even though Jorge and I have been together a few years I still see hate comments about us being together so I can only imagine how people would be if I was pregnant. The timer I had set went off before I knew it making me jump but I was too scared to go and look so Jorge went and grabbed the test. He came back with a huge smile on his face and I wasn't sure if that meant that I was or wasn't pregnant but I soon got my answers when he handed me the test and it had two lines on it. 

"We're going to have our own little family love isn't this so exciting" he said shocking me that he was actually excited and glad because I was also looking forward to taking this next step in our relationship 

"Yeah it is but are you sure this is what you want because you don't have to lie to me" I said wanting to be sure he really wanted this like I did 

"Of course it is I've been thinking about starting our own family for a while now but I just haven't brought it up because I wasn't sure if you were ready but we can do this and we don't have to tell anyone until you want to" he assured me which made me feel a lot better about everything 

We sat and talked for a bit longer about how we would deal with all of this and it was decided that we would tell our close family right away but everyone else we didn't want to tell just yet as the more people that knew the more likely it was to get leaked. Neither of us wanted to tell the media and fans until we absolutely had to because we wanted this to be private between us for as long as possible and Jorge was in agreement that we didn't need any negative attention right at the start of this. One other thing we agreed on was that I would go to every race with him as I mostly work from home so it wouldn't be too hard for me to still get work done and Jorge wanted me to be with him so that he could take care of me and not miss any exciting moments. I was more than happy to go to all the races as it means we get to spend more time together and I get to watch Jorge race which I always love doing. 


Since finding out that I was pregnant I have been to 2 races with Jorge and this weekend there is another one, so far we have done well at hiding the pregnancy but these last few weeks that we have been at home my morning sickness that is never just in the mornings has gotten a lot worse. Before I has been able to kind of control it and no one seems to have noticed when I run off to Jorge's motorhome in the middle of sessions but I don't think I can hide it anymore as the sickness has just been sneaking up on me whenever it feels like it in these last few weeks which make it a lot more obvious. Hence why I'm a little nervous as the only people that know are mine and Jorge's immediate family and I'm worried how people will react as I don't want anyone to treat me any different or for anything to be said to the media. 

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