Fabio Quartararo- Gasly sister part 2

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This is the part 2 to my previous part so if you haven't read that you need to check it out 

It took me so long to fall asleep as all I could think about was my date with Fabio but I did eventually get some sleep but before long it was morning and I had to be up to head to the paddock. Reluctantly I got up and got ready quickly before gathering my things to meet Pierre and on my way I looked at my phone for the first time to see a few texts from Fabio one saying how much he enjoyed last night and one telling me where he would be in the paddock so that I could meet him when we both got there. I replied to him quickly before going over to meet Pierre who was just walking out of the elevator as I came out of the stairs, he seemed happy which was great as I couldn't hide the smile on my face from talking to Fabio so it just seemed like we were both excited for the day even though it was for completely different reasons.

The drive to the paddock was spent with us talking like we usually do on race weekends about what was coming up that day and any gossip which Pierre always seems to have tons of which always makes me laugh as some things are just so crazy. Before long we made it and Pierre ditched me right away as he had a meeting to get to which left me to walk in by myself and have pictures taken as I did so. To start with I hated all the paparazzi pictures but over time I've got used to it and I just don't give them any time of day and just walk past but occasionally I do like to sort of pose just to get some good pictures out of it. Just as I was about head in Fabio ran over to me so we greeted each other quickly before walking in together but I made sure we walked far enough apart as I know what will happen if we don't rumours will spread quickly and I'm not up for that today. Luckily he seemed to get what I was doing and went along with it until we got to the hospitality where we could walk next to each other.

As it was still early not much was going on and not too many people were around so Fabio and I managed to get some coffee and find somewhere to sit that was out of the way so when more people come in we won't be disturbed. We were quick to revert back to how we were last night and talking freely and flirting every now and then which made me a little more nervous than yesterday just in case we get caught but I also never wanted the moment to end as I just love being in Fabio's company. At some point the team meeting must have ended as a load of team members came in and Pierre and Yuki joined me and Fabio so we had to stop our flirting and instead just stared at each other across the table.

The rest of the day was hectic as there was 3rd practice and then qualifying which didn't go well for the whole Alpha Tauri team but I was having a great time as I spent the whole day sat with Fabio secretly holding hands between our seats which luckily no one noticed. Originally we had also planned to spend the evening together but after qualifying I knew I had to spend some time with Pierre to calm him down and get him ready for the race tomorrow. Fabio understood so let me go but not without kissing my cheek in a quiet corner of the paddock and me promising to text him before I went to bed to tell him how it went. With that we went our separate ways but not before giving each other a quick glance and a smile.

It was a long few hours when we got back to the hotel as Pierre was just ranting about qualifying until he was bored and wanted to move on from it so instead he asked me about my day so I told him what I did while leaving a few things out like the hand holding and kissing to not cause more problems. The whole time I was there all I was thinking about was being with Fabio which I felt awful about as I love my brother and I want to be there to support him but I also have never felt this way for someone before and I want to make the most of it while we are together. Luckily Pierre just wanted to be alone after a while so I left him and text Fabio on my way back to my hotel room. Just as I got to the door to my room Fabio asked if I wanted to go to his room so naturally I walked straight to his room to spend the evening together.

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