Alex Marquez- Fake it until you make it

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Request for fayoosxd

If you'd have told me that my move to motogp would have caused such a stir I probably would have just stayed in moto2 where I was at least respected most of the time. For whatever reason I've been dragged through the mud for my racing and the results I've been getting even though this last season was my rookie year and I was the top rookie that still wasn't good enough. Now that I'm in my second season its only gotten worse and now every weekend I seem to have to go to so many meeting with the team to talk about media response to something or other. All of this leaves me with very little time to myself and leaves me stressed before every race which makes me do worse which means the cycle continues endlessly and painfully. The team have tried their best to help me but they can't do anything about the way that all these comments affect my mentality it's something I have to deal with and figure out on my own.

Yet another race weekend has rolled around and its not one I'm looking forward to at all as its a track I've never done well at as it just doesn't suit my riding style and its not made much better by me being on a Yamaha that isn't good on long straights. Before we even got here the team warned me about how its likely not going to be a good weekend which I already knew as I've seen many articles and posts about how I'm going to do just as badly this weekend as I've done here every other time. This hurts because since the last time we came here I have adapted a lot and gotten so much better as a rider but everyone is ruling me out immediately before we even get on track which they would never dream of doing to anyone else in the class which is why its so frustrating. As much as all of this is annoying I know I can't let it affect me as otherwise I'll end up proving my critics right instead of showing them what I can really do like I want to.

The first day at the track is always a media day which is my least favourite day as all day I have to listen to people who really know nothing criticise me and try and defend myself but sometimes its like pulling teeth trying to get them to actually take in what I say so most of the time I just give up. Like always my day was pretty awful and I was glad when I got out of my last interview as it meant I could go back to my hotel and relax for a bit although my relief was short lived as my pr manager was waiting for me outside the room to take me to an important meeting which is never something you want to hear any day let alone before the weekend even starts. I expected us to go to the team building like we usually do for these meetings but when my pr turned towards the lcr team building I got very confused as being a Yamaha rider I have nothing to do with the Honda teams or riders. My confusion only increased when I saw Alex and then our two pr managers greet each other before pulling us into a meeting room.

"Ok so I know this seems weird but we have our reasons for bringing you both to this meeting" my pr started

"Now you are probably both aware that the media attention on you both hasn't been great and since we can't seem to fix this on our own we came up with an idea which we think will work if you guys are willing to go ahead with it although we really advise you do" Alex's pr finished

"Ok what is it?" I asked getting curious

"We want you two to pretend to date which I'm aware sounds crazy but we've noticed that the fans and media seems to like you two together so we thought it would benefit your images to be seen together more as a couple" my pr explained

"Now of course you two don't have to do anything you aren't comfortable with but we would like you to be seen in the paddock together holding hands and kissing and then leaving the same hotel room but we would make sure the room has two beds" Alex's pr further explained

"If y/n's ok with it I am" Alex said bluntly

"Yeah I'm ok with it as long as we set boundaries" I said

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