Fabio Quartararo- That time again

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I hate being on my period on any given day but some things make it worse and being at work is one of them. Which is why when I got to work today sat down and felt that I'd started I wanted to get up and go back home but sadly I couldn't as I had a lot to get done. Before I could do any of it I rooted through my bag and found some supplies right at the bottom and headed to the bathroom. On my way a few of the girls I speak to at the company looked at me and gave me a sympathetic smile clearly knowing exactly what was going on as we have all done it at some point. That didn't really make me feel any better especially when back at my desk there was a new set of papers for me to look at and a couple emails with things for me to get done today which weren't on my agenda to do today.

Throughout the day the cramps started to creep in which made my day worse and worse as they got more and more painful but I didn't have any pain killers so I just had to live with the pain until I could go home which felt like an eternity. Each minute felt like an hour which was painful but it did mean I was quite productive and was able to get all the extra things done as well as all the things I was aiming to do when I arrived. Eventually though the clock hit 6 and although usually I would stay a bit longer to finish things off today I grabbed my things and left straight away. My day went from bad to worse though as my car was pretty much out of fuel which meant I had to fill it up on the way home as I'm not at all like Fabio and wouldn't dare risk driving with no fuel.

Of course along the way there was loads of traffic for some reason which meant it took twice as long as usual to even get to the petrol station and once I was there only one pump was working so there was a long queue which I just had to sit in. All I had to keep me entertained was my phone which normally would be great but today no one had text me and my social media was just barren as there wasn't any posts or anything. Finally I was able to fill up my car and rejoin the traffic that appeared to just be everywhere today and was almost making me pull my hair out but luckily I made it home before I felt the need to resort to that but it was definitely close. 

As soon as I walked in the door I wanted to go and find some painkillers so I went to the kitchen where our medicine cabinet is and rooted through everything in there as most of it is stuff Fabio uses for injuries. After taking out half of the things in there I found no painkillers which meant I either had to deal with the pain or go and get some which honestly after sitting in the traffic sounded like the worst thing imaginable. Instead of thinking about it I remembered that I needed to change so I went to the bathroom to find my supplies which are usually in a draw but when I opened it the draw was empty.

That was just about the last straw and by that point there was no controlling my emotions the tears just started flowing. I knew it was stupid to cry over it because there was a simple fix to all of my problems and that was to go to the store but after the horrendous day I've had even that felt like too much. For some reason with all the hormones it just felt like my life was crumbling around me and it wasn't helped by the fact that Fabio has been gone all weekend so I haven't seen him in days which always makes me more emotional than usual anyway.

Fabio's POV

Being away from home for days on end is never fun but when I eventually get to come home and be with y/n again I forget all about missing her so much and just enjoy our time together before I inevitably have to leave for another race weekend. This race was a lot further out so I had to leave earlier and have got back later than usual so we have been apart for longer than usual which makes me more excited then ever to see y/n and get to spend the evening purely cuddling with her. I know she has been having an awful time at work and I wish I could have been home or at least able to talk to her more but there was nothing I can do about that now all I can do is spend time with her now while I can.

Pulling into the driveway I saw her car there which meant she was home already and hadn't stayed late at work like she has been doing a lot recently. Although she was home when I opened the door no lights were on despite it being dark out and it was completely silent which is very unusual as even if y/n was upstairs where I couldn't see the light there would definitely be music or something playing throughout the house as I know she hates silence. I called her name to see where she was but there was no answer which made me panic as something just felt off like I knew something was wrong but I couldn't tell exactly what it was as sadly I'm not psychic.

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