Joan Mir- Shocked

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A/n: Joan is probably my favourite so I'm so glad he's got a seat next year so this part is to celebrate that 

Also sorry for no post last weekend I moved into my uni room and so life was a little stressful but I should be back to posting every weekend now 

A new season means new adventures and I couldn't be more excited as it will be my third season with Suzuki. I joined Suzuki in 2020 as an engineer for Joan Mir which just happened to be the year he won the championship which was the best feeling ever to be able to be part of that. The whole year was a complete whirlwind as it was a strange season to begin with and I was also trying to get used to a new job which made it all the more hectic. As much as it was definitely crazy I wouldn't change a single part about the year as I enjoyed myself so much and made so many memories as well as life long friends which is what I'd dreamed about for my career since I began studying. 

Since that year things have only gotten better as not only did Joan finish 3rd last season which was an amazing achievement especially on the bike we had but we also started dating. Us dating kind of came out of nowhere because although we were definitely very close and I did find him attractive I didn't think anything would ever happen but one day when we were walking through the paddock together after practice he just asked me on a date. After our first date we started going on a lot more until eventually things became official between us about halfway though the season. For the first few months we hid our relationship from everyone not wanting to face the judgement but eventually the point came when we didn't want to hide it anymore and told the team but turns out they knew already so there was no need for us to tell them. A bit later we let it slip to the media which is what I was really worried about but it was all fine and we just moved on with our lives. 

As much as this past year has been amazing its the point of the year where I have to forget about it and move onto focusing on the year ahead as thats how this job is. Each year you have to forget about the last whether it was good or bad and move onto the next to make it even better. For me that always starts at testing which this year went pretty well as we worked very hard on finding a base setting which we can start with at all tracks and then we built on that to try and get the best out of the bike which I think we made a good step on by the end. One thing I'm very proud of is the fact that this bike has a much better top speed than the last bike but it still works as well in the corners like it used to. The reason I'm so proud of it is because as much as I'm just one of the engineers that goes to races I also helped with making this engine as its the sort of thing I specialised in at university so I helped with designs and stuff so it feels great to see it working. 

So far this year the results have been pretty great as Joan has got three 6th places, two 4th places and one dnf but he was going really well until Jack crashed into him so its been really positive. We are hoping to make the results even better as today we have mid season testing where the aim is to improve the set up and help Joan feel even better on the bike. As testing doesn't start until a bit later Joan and I have been having a really chill morning, we managed to have a bit of a lay in and then got breakfast together which we didn't have to rush and we even managed to go on a bit of a walk. I don't think we have ever been this chill in our entire time together as even on days off one of us always has something to do so getting to spend this time together had been so nice. 

Eventually we had to get started so I went to the garage where everyone worked to get things set up which luckily didn't take too much time as the bike was still ready from yesterday although I changed a few things based on Joan's feedback after the race. When we were done he went out and did a few laps before coming back in so some things could be changed. This went on all day which to any other person may be boring and repetitive but I love it because problem solving is the best part of the job so I'll happily work all day to get the bike just right. Once testing was pretty much done and we were starting to get everything ready to pack up for the next race we were all called to a whole team meeting. We don't have those very often if at all so I thought it was a bit weird but I assumed it was just about today and maybe about some upgrades that are really important. 

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