Jorge Martin- Be mine forever

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A/n: this is going to be the start of a mini series where there will be two parts for proposals, weddings and honeymoons so hope you guys enjoy

Jorge's POV

Here we are yet another weekend where y/n can't make it to the race and god do I miss her so much this race had been a double header so I haven't been home in between and its killing me. Y/n couldn't make it to the first race because she had work but she said she would try and come this weekend but things just didn't work out as they really rely on her at her job so it makes it hard for her to get away. In fact she's only been to 3 races so far this season with all of them being in driving distance of where we live which has been hard on us both because I'm away so often that we don't spend a lot of time together but I know she desperately wants to come to more races its just she can't get away from work. I know she feels awful about it because she is always apologising even though it's not her fault and I don't mind that much I just want her to be here because I miss her every weekend she's not around.

It's Saturday evening after qualifying and everything is done and technically I'm with my friends but I keep checking the time waiting for it to be the time that y/n will be home so I can FaceTime her and see her face. They must have noticed I was distracted because suddenly the room went silent and Jack waved his hand in front of my face which brought me back to the real world. Once I was back in the room they continued talking but I still wasn't paying too much attention as I was still thinking about y/n and what she might have done today or how ecstatic she's going to be that I got pole position as she always knows whats happening on track even if shes not watching. Finally it got to about the time y/n would be getting home so I waited for the current conversation to end before I tried to excuse myself.

"Guys I'm gonna go y/n should be home soon" I said knowing they'd understand

"You really miss her don't you?" Pecco questioned

"Yeah its hard not having her here I feel like I can't celebrate properly because the one person I want to share it with isn't here" I replied

"Wow man thats real love" Jack said

"She's the one I want to spend my life with oh my I want to marry that girl" I said while realising it for myself

No more words left my mouth I just ran out the room and to my motorhome to gather all the millions of thoughts going through my mind. For a long time I've thought about marrying y/n but never seriously even though I love her so much it just seemed like something for the future. However talking about how much I wish she was here made me realise that I want nothing more than to spend the rest of my life with her like she is my future thats for certain and of course I would love to still be racing in years to come but if I'm not as long as I have y/n I'll be ok. In that moment it seemed obvious that I need to get myself together and actually propose to her as nerve wracking as that seems I know it will be the right move and a good next step for us to take.

When I picked up my phone to call y/n there was a a much bigger smile on my face than usual which she picked up on right away but I lied and said it was because of the pole position which seemed to satisfy her as she went on to talk about how proud she was of me. I tried to ask her about her day but she answered all my questions in just a few words before moving on to talking about the race tomorrow which she said she would be watching while working from home. The whole time we were talking all I was thinking about was marrying her and spending the rest of our lives together. The thought of getting to see her smile first thing in the morning and cuddling last thing at night for the rest of our lives was like a dream to think about but hopefully I can make that a reality. Y/n knew that my thoughts were elsewhere I could just tell but she definitely doesn't know what I am thinking about or at least I hope she doesn't because when it happens I want it to be a complete surprise although I don't have the best track record of keeping secrets from her but this one will be worth it.

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