| Chapter Thirty-Seven |

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November 1st had come crisp and ready that year, wasting no time in dispelling any of the previous warmth September and some of October had provided. The Fall weather inspired Ruth to want to wear something that would protect her against the nippiness, but also something that she could feel cute in like the day she went to the powwow. It wasn't as hot as it used to be, but it was definitely cool enough to wear a sweater if she wanted to, so she and Jana worked together to find a good combination of warmth and cold in her closet.

After an hour of searching, they finally came up with a pair of leggings and a cute sweater that she picked up from Aerie last year to match her brown heeled booties. She piled her curls into a bun and pulled out a few of her curls to frame her face and twist beside her ears. It wasn't until she got to the make-up portion that she wasn't so sure if she should have Jana's help, but the stubborn girl insisted. Usually, make-up was Terry's job. But seeing as how she was at work, they only had each other, so Ruth could do nothing but warn her not to go overboard with the dramatics.

Jana rolled her eyes and got to work. She powdered Ruth's brown cheeks with a pretty blush, swiped her cheekbones with highlighter, blended hues of brown over her eyelids, and glued false eyelashes to her lids. Her eyes watered and blinked unnaturally at the gliding of mascara under her lashes and the swipe of an eyeliner, but she somehow managed not to move. It didn't help that Jana threatened her life if she so much as flinched, but maybe that was the motivation she needed.

Finally, after spritzing her face down with what she believed to be setting spray, she was all dolled up and ready to go. From what she barely got to see in the mirror, she liked how beautifully casual she looked. It wasn't too much, but it wasn't nothing either. Everything about her screamed soft and lovely, honey browns and chestnuts.

She had to give it to Jana, she didn't overdo anything. Well—she tried with the handbag, but Ruth insisted on grabbing her own purse, not at all caring that it was outdated and smaller than Jana's.

"You literally look like a twinkle of fairy lights," Jana gushed, brushing a rogue lash off of Ruth's cheek. "He on his way yet?"

"Yeah, he should be here in a minute," she admitted, her heartbeat racing just a little more in her chest. The familiar jitters tried to climb their way up up her throat and through her fingers, but she attempted to control them as much as she could. "Thanks for helping me tonight, J."

"No problem," she winked. "Told you I could tone it down."

Ruth smiled and only waited a couple more minutes before there was a hard knock at their front door, startling the girls. Furrowing her eyebrows, she made her way over and peered through the peephole, curious of—

Her eyes widened. She quickly turned to look at a confused Jana.

"He's here," she whispered, frightened.

Jana bit her lip to keep from squealing and raced over to the door too. Before Ruth could force out the word 'no', Jana swung open the door, startling Raffo who looked entirely too good for her poor, stopped heart. She subtly peeked around the door.

Brushing his hair behind his ear, Raffo wearily regarded Jana, having not expected her to be the one to answer the door. Ruth took a quick moment to run her gaze over his black jeans, his dark blue button down shirt that was rolled up on his muscular forearms, and his grandmother's medallion rested down the center of his broad chest.

Like she mentioned before, he was a total Choctaw Adonis. Just fucking beautiful.

Jana opened the door wider, revealing a frozen Ruth.

His heavy gaze found Ruth's. She watched his jaw move, strained against his face and his hand that was wrapped around a single carnation fell to the side, no longer being held in front of his chest. Their stares were intense, roaming over the other in obvious appreciation, and wishing they could hold onto the intensity of the moment forever.

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