| Chapter Sixty |

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Oklahoma 2019 (Past)

"Fuck, fuck, fuck," Raffo cursed, pushing his wet strands of waves out of his face in irritation.

He hadn't realized he took too long in the shower until he glanced at his phone and the time read 7:00. He was still rushing around his room, shoving his arms through his jacket, when he heard a quiet voice at the door.

"I don't have time to talk, Phoenix," Raffo said, looking for his keys.

If he wasn't rushing around the room and took even five seconds to stay still, he knew he'd be freaking the fuck out. He'd been dreading for the day to come, and now that it was finally there, he was a mess internally. All of which he couldn't admit to himself out loud, but he knew if he did, a part of him would break down.

Raffo pushed the ache in his chest away. He needed to get out of there before it got any later than it already was, and focusing on the woman he loved leaving wasn't helping him any. It would only upset him more.

"Where are you going?" Phoenix pouted. "Dad's not home. You don't have to go to work yet."

"I'm not going to work. I'm going to see Ruth," he huffed. Then glanced down at her wearily. "Why are you awake so early?"

"I heard mom in the kitchen and it woke me up," she shrugged.

Great, Raffo thought bitterly. He was hoping he could leave the house before she asked him any questions, but seeing as how that wasn't possible, he left his room. "Go back to sleep, Phoenix. I'll be home again soon."

Phoenix shrugged her shoulders again and walked back into the room she and Ava shared. Raffo took a deep breath in and walked through the short hallway to get to the living room, and saw his mother, Kiana, roaming about the kitchen. She was wearing her usual uniform with her hair tied back into a tight braid the same color as his and a coffee cup in hand. Her brown gaze was sharp with curiosity when she watched him make his way to the front door.

"Son," she murmured. "You're up early."

Raffo swallowed, his inner rage swirling with his impatience. "I have to meet someone."

Kiana rose a thin eyebrow, her brown jaw locked. "The woman Roger mentioned?"

He breathed through his nose sharply. "Mom, I have to go."

"Hmm. When I get home from work then," she said, cutting her eyes at him.

Not gonna happen, but sure.

Pushing his hair off of his flushed cheeks, he didn't answer his mom and proceeded in opening up the front door. He stepped out into the crisp morning air with a shaky breath as his stomach turmoil'd in distressed knots. He wasn't ready to face the day, but he needed to be. Raffo promised her, and there was no going back for him.

But then Raffo lifted his head. He made eye contact with a familiar gaze, a gaze he never thought he would ever see on his doorstep. There was nothing he could do but stand there, frozen mid-step with confusion.

What the hell were they doing here?

To Be Continued . . .


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