| Chapter Forty-Five |

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"Ruth!" an excited Emily hollered, startling Ruth as she looked up from her study sheet.

Emily's expresso gaze was lit up to match the breathtaking smile stretched widely across her face. In her pale fingers was her cell phone, lit up with something Ruth couldn't make out until she drew close enough. It didn't take long for her to glance over the screen and figure out what she was showing her.

"You got in!" Ruth grinned, her smile genuine as she offered the excited girl a friendly hug. Emily's vanilla and lily scent wafted up Ruth's nostrils, temporarily stunning her until she pulled back. She avoided the blush sprawled across Em's cheeks and cleared her throat. "I got in too! My letter came over the weekend."

Emily's smile widened even more if that were possible and she reached down to squeeze Ruth's hand in hers. "Ruth, that means we'll get to be in New York City together! This is fucking amazing!"

Emily's grin sparked a little more excitement in Ruth than what was there before. She'd been so busy worrying about how Raffo would take her news, that she didn't get to mull over how eager she was to explore a new opportunity. Another city for another start with someone she knew, and hopefully with someone she loved. New York City was a chance for new beginnings and new starts.

And what better way to do that than with the man Ruth loved? The man who deserved a new start.

Ruth let that thought settle her nerves for the rest of class. She promised herself she'd tell Raffo within the next few days before time could get away from her. She had to tell him before Friday, it was only fair. Her leaving involved him too and he deserved to know.

And when Ruth saw him waiting for after class leaning casually against the side of her building, she almost spilled the beans right there. She wasn't necessarily lying to him, but the secret she was hiding wasn't a small one. So to see Raffo standing there with her chai tea latte in hand and a lazy half-smile twisting his perfect lips to the side, she couldn't stop her chest from aching.

"Why do you have to be so perfect all the damn time?" Ruth groaned, plucking her drink from his hand. She tilted her face up to him and he wasted no time in giving her a hot kiss that made her all warm and tingly inside.

"Born like that," he said, smirking after he pulled away. He ignored her eyeroll and grabbed ahold of her hand. "You done with tests for the day?"

"Yep! What do you have planned that you made me leave my car at home?"

Raffo casually shrugged his shoulders. "I have to pick up my sisters from school since my mom's working overtime, so I was thinking maybe you can come with me to pick them up? I just have to drop them off at school and then we can go back to your apartment."

Ruth's heart fluttered at the thought of Raffo wanting her to meet his sisters and she quickly agreed. He smiled handsomely and walked them over to his truck with the simple tug of his hand. On the drive over, they listened to some of their favorite songs with the windows rolled down and their fingers entwined together. Raffo's lips were singing the lyrics of "We'll be a Dream" against the soft skin on the back of her hand. Her shy smile was lost in the wind, as were her worries.

"You know," Ruth started, once the song was over. Raffo raised a curious brow at her. "I expect to be serenaded in bed soon with that guitar of yours, Mr. Leflore."

His laugh was loud and enchanting. "How'd I know that was coming?" he teased, allowing her to draw his knuckles up to her lips. "Didn't I already sing for you?"

"We weren't in bed though," she pointed out. "That part is really important."

"You want me to put on a cowboy hat while I'm at it?"

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