| Chapter Thirty-Nine |

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After Emily and Ruth had a nice catch up at the café with a solid few hours studying, Ruth finally left campus to head out to the basketball court. Raffo was busy hanging out with his friends so she didn't bother letting him know she was heading over to the courts by herself. She wanted him to enjoy himself. They'd been attached at the hip for the last few weeks and the last thing she wanted to do was take him away from Johnny or Eddie, or even Mirana. As much as she wanted to be around him, she knew she could never have him to herself forever.

So she decided to go to the basketball courts and dribble the ball around one hoop alone. There were a few other guys there, but they were too involved in their game to pay her any mind. Her dribbles relaxed her body despite the exercise of it. It felt good to stretch out her body and elongate her limbs that needed a good basketball session. The last time she was there, it was before the powwow with Raffo awhile ago.

Ruth pushed all of her focus onto the sport, concentrating on making a decent amount of shots and forgetting school, writing, and New York City. It was just her and the hoop. Nothing else mattered-

"I remember you," a familiar voice pushed into her subconscious and Ruth screeched a little as she clutched onto her basketball mid-dribble.

Ruth looked to where she heard the little voice.

A pair of hazel eyes looked up at her through the disgruntled charcoal vines of her hair. There was a fiery recognition across her face round face and for some reason, the sprout of a large bird came to mind at the widening of her almond-shaped eyes.

A phoenix, to be exact.

"Phoenix," Ruth whispered.

The little girl cocked her head to the side. "You remember my name?"

Ruth awkwardly shifted from foot to foot, clearing her throat. "I um- your brother uh- told me a few times."

Phoenix's gaze lit up at the mention of Raffo. "Raffie! Is he here?" she asked, looking around Ruth's body.

"No, he's not. Not right now, anyway. Are you here by yourself?"

Fierce determination highlighted her fair features. "Raffie doesn't think I can come here by myself. But I'm seven- I can do what I want."

"I can see that," Ruth said.

Phoenix's eyes gleamed at that in satisfaction, the doubt in Ruth's voice going completely over her youthful head. Ruth glanced around the court, double checking that Raffo wasn't around to grab his sister, and when she found that it was just Phoenix there, she realized she had to see her home. Leaving her to walk home by herself would be more than irresponsible, and she knew she couldn't send her back alone.

How the hell did she even leave anyway if she wasn't allowed to wander to the basketball courts by herself? Or was her not being allowed to wander over here Raffo's rule?

"Er- isn't your mother looking for you?" Ruth questioned.

"No. Mommy told me to get Raffie since daddy's home. I thought he'd be here with you like last time," Phoenix said, shrugging.

"Well, he's not. And I think you should get back home before he finds you out here. By yourself. Again."

Phoenix knew her argument about being seven-years-old wouldn't fly so well with her brother. Though she frowned, she eventually nodded her head, knowing that what I was saying was right even if she hated it. "Yeah."

Ruth didn't want to offer to go with her, especially now that she knows there wasn't something right with that house, but it was her responsibility now to make sure Phoenix got back safely. She'd do the same with any child. "How about I walk with you? That way if we run into your brother, I can talk him out of getting you in trouble."

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