Eleven: Maybe I'll be drunk

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"So, after my never-ending nagging, Ed confessed." Harry explained the whole ordeal to Clara on the phone. "I found out he's moving to L.A this summer." There was a crack in Harry's voice. Then a long silence.

"Someone is calling on the other line," he explained with a sniffle. "I'll talk to you later, Clary."

And the line went silent.

Feeling guilty, Clara decided to go out and clear her head. At 11:00pm in Vancouver, nothing could go wrong. Or at least she thought.

Strolling down empty streets got quite boring for her. Perhaps some company was overdue? She strolled in to the closest bar; which just so happened to be Ed's favourite. Clara was not used to this type of scene. She usually enjoyed her passé time in a good book or on a hike with Sandy but things were different.

Ever since Harry appeared, she's only been stressed. Clara wants to live up to Harry's standards, she wants to be good for him. But he only sees Ed. It's really never crossed her mind why Ed is so perfect in Harry's eyes, but it made her envy him.

By the time it was 1:45, she had drank so many drinks, she lost count. Being bold and outrageous; (at the time) Clara walked over to a man in a suit and sat on the seat next to him, making sure not to pay him any mind.

"Hello," he said with an award winning smile.

She batted her lashes and gave a small wave.

"I'm Nick." He added. "What's your name love?"

She shrugged and whispered oh so faintly, "I don't know!" Then laughed as if she had heard the funniest joke.

Nick had been piling her with questions that didn't make sense, such as 'Do you like my cat? Her name is Molly. Should I change my cats name to Pilar?' And 'How much wood could a wood chuck actually chuck?'

After hours of giggles, drinks, and questions Nick and Clara were the only people left in the bar. The bartender was looking extremely tired and escorted them out of the bar. It was now 2:30am, both of them feeling restless as ever but not wanting to return home.

"Hey, Nick. Did you know that I've never spoken this much in my entire life!" Clara gushed, as if she had achieved something. "There's this boy- well guy I guess. His name is Harry and his life goal is to get me to carry a full conversation with him."

"I have a friend named Harry." Nick added, then they both began to laugh at absolutely nothing. "Let's go back to my hotel!" She nodded and took ahold of his arm.

Now this was not like Clara whatsoever. She was more reserved and had much more self-respect. Tonight, though, things were different.

"Here we are," Nick piped up. They stumbled down the hallway, laughing. He shoved the key in the door which revealed a relatively clean hotel room, a lot of crumpled papers on the floor.

On the walk, they were able to sober up a bit, but still were not in a proper mind set. Nick was interrupted when he heard his phone ring. "Oh, it's my friend Harry now! Let me go take this."

"Hello, Harry? Are you all right, bud?" Nick questioned. "It's quite late for you to be calling."

"Can you come over?" Harry asked, sobbing.

"No! I have company," Nick said, feeling a bit guilty.

"Well then I guess I'll have to come over," he said, irritably. "I'll be there soon."

Without replying, Nick hung up the phone and stuck it in his pocket.

"This is probably the rudest thing I've ever done to a girl, but I'm kind of kicking you out." He informed Clara. "See, I've got this friend Harry, remember? Yeah, he needs my help. He rarely ever calls so this must be important." He shoved his hand in his pocket and brought out a ten dollar bill. "Here, money for a taxi."

Astonished, Clara took the money out of his hand and left without a goodbye. It was only until a few minutes later until she locked eyes with a familiar curly headed boy. Who really could have passed as intoxicated because of his red swollen eyes and dizzy actions.

"Clara?" He asked. "Is that you love?"

She nodded and began to step in the taxi he was previously stepping out of. Until, of course, he sat inside next to her. "Where do you think you're going, babe? Let's face it- you're drunk. You're coming home with me."

She didn't even put up an argument. Clara gracefully put her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes.

The next morning, she woke up to Harry singing Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen, not remembering anything from the night before. He was pouring Cheerios into a bowl for himself until he was face to face with Clara.

"Hello, sleepy head!" Harry greeted. "It's already 12:00pm! You hungry? I've got every type of cereal you can think of."

He walked towards the kitchen opening the cupboard with literally every type of cereal you could think of.

"If you're wondering why I have so much cereal, it's because my mom only ever bought was Corn Pops. I loath Corn Pops. So now that I'm an adult, i buy whatever cereal I want." He nodded, looking pleased with himself.

She took ahold of the Lucky Charms and filled a bowl for herself taking a seat next to Harry on the couch.

"So, I think it's best you know that I saw you leaving my friends hotel- drunk. Last night at 4am." Harry said, uninterested. "Nick can be quite the pig, so I'm hoping nothing happened." He cleared his throat and set the empty bowl on the coffee table. "I mean, it's totally okay if something did happen but I'm kinda hoping that it didn't because, well Nick's down here and you're all the up here." He explained, using his hands to indicate.

Clara had a little grin on her face while looking at him. She wished that she could tell Harry that nothing happened, but unfortunately, she was too drunk to even remember.

"I'm going over to Ed's today. I'm gonna spend as much time with him as I can before he leaves." He spoke up after a while. "You're free to join. I think Ed has a bit of a crush on you..."

Her cheeks went a light shade of pink.

"Please don't tell me you like him back," Harry almost begged.

Clara shrugged.

"I guess I need to dye my hair orange for you to like me because seems like you only fancy red heads." Harry mumbled to himself.

"That's right." Clara responded. "I love me a red head."


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