Twelve: Would You Rather

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Clara found herself to be stuck in a vicious cycle: wake up, eat, call Harry, visit Harry, sleep, repeat. It was never ending. She couldn't say she minded though, Harry was okay company. Until he tried to start a debate with her... Which was really quite awkward because he would shoot out all of these rebuttals to a statement that he had previously made. Only resulting in him coming up with a counter argument to his statement. Point is, it was confusing. But oh so amusing to watch.

Today, Clara and Harry were on their way to University to select their classes for next year.

"Clara. I don't think I even want to go to UBC next semester. York sounds nice. Maybe Trent University even." Harry sighed, pondering on all of the possibilities he has. "I mean, I was accepted at York... But I would have to move back to Toronto..." At this point, he was more so talking to himself then Clara, which happened often.

In all honesty, Clara didn't really want Harry to leave. She felt like half of her would go with him if he decided to pack his things and move to Toronto. He had grades in Maths and Science to envy and any University or Ivy League in the nation would accept him. So what's holding him back to staying in little old British Columbia? Surely couldn't be Ed.

In response to Harry's inner-discrepancy, Clara gave a short hum and returned her focus to the music that filled the car. It was Harry's iPod on shuffle and a song by Pink Floyd played wistfully.

"I've noticed that you aren't the most popular girl at UBC... Don't be offended, though, I wasn't too popular at first either." Harry confessed. "It wasn't until my sister Gemma bought me these really cool glasses." He began to fidget with the sides of his glasses. She laughed.

He was really quite audacious when it came to speaking. Clara found it so admirable. Harry could just say anything and you'd want to listen to him for hours. It wasn't only his fearlessness that was attractive though. It was the way he presented himself while speaking. He would do these little hand gestures or purse his lips together after saying something that could have been a little risky. It was all together blithesome to watch.

"I'm being serious Clara." He said. "All society cares about is our money and that's what defines you... You own a big house: you're liked. You have the latest Michael Kors watch: you're popular." Her friend continued with a acrimonious tone. "It's really quite irritating. I'm suddenly liked because I have a pair of 300$ glasses."

"We are society." She argued, with a candid attitude. Clara normally wouldn't have spoken, maybe hummed in response or shook her head but it was a touchy subject and Harry was getting quite into depth with it. She couldn't let him go unspoken to (as she usually did).

"They are society. I refuse to partake in their discriminatory ways." Harry said on the verge of abdicating. "But I guess it kinda works like a democratic system: majority rules!"

Clara was now pulling into the parking lot of their school and earned a groan from Harry.

"Time to pick classes."

Clara chose all of her academician classes as usual.

Harry chose to study literature again. Even though he hated it, he wanted to strengthen his skills (because being good at everything is important).

They left twenty five minutes after arriving and they were so grateful to leave.

On the car ride home, Harry suggested they play a game of would you rather. Harry asking all of the questions of course (and not that he minded).

"Would you rather... Date me or Ed. Stick up one finger for me and two for Ed."

She stuck up two. Mostly to irritate him. It worked, his face turned ashen. She was quick to wave her hand and stick up a one after to show she was playing around.

"All right then. Would you rather go back in time or visit the future?"

She stuck up one finger.

"Hmm..." He said, trying to think. "All right, would you rather have all the money in the world or never make a single dollar ever again?"

She stuck up two fingers. Her benevolence was too radiant.

"Interesting. I pick one though. Who said I couldn't share the money?" Harry pointed out.

She threw her hands up in oblivion. Then Clara diverted her attention to Harry for a split second, but within that split second, something tragic happened.


Hi tightxbright and fairydusthemmo .

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