Chapter:- 19

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Anfa's POV:

"And I thought those notes were being sent by Hassan." I looked at him who whispered to himself and frowned.

"Notes?" He turned to me and sighed.

"Hm. I'm getting notes from last few months." He said nodding his head and I frowned.

"So you think it is Hasnain?" He nodded his head and I sighed.

"What those notes says?" I asked and he chuckled.

"He spies every step of my life. Even he knows that I got married." He said turning to me and I looked at him with wide eyes.

"Don't worry. I won't let him come near you. This time I won't sit quietly. I have to do something to prove him wrong. To prove myself innocent." He said nodding his head and I smiled.

"And I'm with you. Always. I will help you in collecting the evidences against him." I said intertwining our fingers making him smile.

"I don't want to involve you." He said looking at me making me smile.

"But I'm already involved, sweetheart." I said making him chuckle.

"I get it, love." He said keeping his head on my shoulder making me smile. Just wait for your hell days whoever you Hasnain are. We'll let this world know that their judgement can be wrong too.


I looked at him who was sitting in front of that man who brings the notes to him every month.

"Aren't you going to tell us where that bas**rs is hiding?" I looked at Rohit  who asked gritting his teeth while holding him by his hair making him groan in pain. Wow. I can't believe I'm watching a live movie. An action movie.

"Oye. Stop doing that. We have a girl with us." Abaan Bhai said to him while he left him making me chuckle.

"Ahan! Don't worry. I'm enjoying the live action movie. Continue." I said smiling widely while they all chuckled and my husband just shook his head with a smile.

"But Rohit, what will we do after knowing where he is right now? We don't want that, bro. We want him to be here." I looked at Azlaan who sat beside Abaan with a smile.

"And how will we do that?" Rohit asked and he chuckled.

"We'll figure that out later, boy. But for now, this messenger will take our message to his boss." I looked at Ric Bhai who walked towards the man who was tied to the chair.

"What say? You are going to do it, right?" Ric Bhai asked looking at him while holding his hand tightly in his hand making him groan in pain. 

"If not, then we won't have any option but to involve his family or dear one in this. Everyone has one, right guys?" His eyes widened hearing Azlaan while I was looking at my man who was weirdly looking and sounding hell hot right now at this moment. Wow. I'm loving this bad side of my man.

"I will do that. Don't you dare to involve my family in this." The man said glaring at him while he chuckled.

"I love the spirit, man. Good." Ric Bhai said leaving his hand and walked towards the table where he has kept a book and a pen. He wrote something and putting it back in an envelope he passed it to him.

"Go. Pass this to him. After reading this he'll eventually come running here." He said opening his hands and legs which were tied with the rope.

"Best of luck. You may get a lot of hits from your boss." Azlaan said smiling at him while the man left making us all chuckle.

Bound To Love (Book II Of 'Destined To Be Together') (Completed) ✔Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ