Two | Katie

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Walking though the stadium I head towards the front row where a seat it reserved for me

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Walking though the stadium I head towards the front row where a seat it reserved for me. Damon always made sure I got a good spot near the front so I can see past everyone's head, and sometimes let's me save a spot for someone else. I'm not special or anything. Most players reserve these seats for their families or close friends. Usually I ignore it and I go comfortably hide in the back. I like the concept or 'watching' like everyone else. As if I don't know the people playing.

Inching one seat down Alex sits down next to me before resting his arms on his knees. 'I don't understand why you love watching these games so much,'

'Because my brother is playing?' I respond sarcastically.

'You bought three energy drinks Katie. I know they're not all yours, you've never once shown an interest to them.' He watches as I place the three down besides my leg. 'and you forced me to rush so one one stole our spot...and knowing you you're not that dedicated to watch your brother. You would've shrugged it off and went to the back,'

Ignoring him I lean back into my seat, watching the boys from each team practice shooting, whilst the benches players argue with the coach on how're they're being benched again.

Some days I wonder where the urge to play in front of a bunch of high schoolers comes from, because if they were all focused on me my game would be so off. I be so self conscious. Do I look okay? What if I miss this shot? Have I been on the ball for enough time? Am I being useful?

I assume that after a while it becomes natural since it never seems to phase any of the boys. Wondering my eyes across their faces as they practice defending and getting past each other. Wiping the sweat off their forehead, I cross my leg over the other. They haven't looked over to everyone once. I guess it's just their second nature. They don't think about all of that, their focus is on the ball in front of them. Not the people around them.

Tilting my head I look around before finding Noah talking to Thale about something. They're standing to the side, away from most peoples view. Watching the back of his head I feel my fingers become tight around my knee. Calm down Katie. He isn't even looking at you. Finally turning his head around when Thale begins to walk away. He follows suit, walking next to his friend. When he's close enough he eventually notices me. Tossing me a half smile, he focuses back onto his friends.

Oh my God, he smiled at me. Oh my God, he smiled at me? Katie. He smiled, no big deal. This is what regular boys and girls who are a little closer than friends do. Not that I would know anyways. Most good things come with consequences. Damon's image keeps me protected but it also keeps guys away. No one ever talks to me and when I do the talking they shy away. I know absolutely nothing about the concept of high-school relationships. Anything seems good at this point so yeah, I guess the smile felt a little good.

Regardless, I try and bite it back to avoid looking like a nervous wreck of a girl who's gleaming at the court.
Touching my mouth with the sleeve of my hoodie I look over to Alex. He's staring at me. 'What?'

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