Thirty eight | Colten

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'Apparently I kissed her,' I look to Damon and he seems somewhat invested

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'Apparently I kissed her,' I look to Damon and he seems somewhat invested.

'What do you mean 'apparently' you either did or didn't,' he whispers back since he's trying not to get attention from the librarian.

Our English teacher sent my class to the library for silent study since we have an assignment due soon. Damon isn't in my English class. He's just skipping so I can tell him what happened yesterday when he was also skipping. I don't understand why he didn't go to class and wait for third period since we have the class together then. It's shocking how he and Noah keep their grades up since they're never actually in class. You need a minimum of a C+ average in all classes to play basketball and I don't think they're in class enough to actually get to that average, yet they somehow do.

'I don't know. It was as Jacobs party and I was wasted...I remember kissing someone but I didn't know it was her,' I shrug it off.

'So basically you where taken advantage of,' he laughs at me and I just roll my eyes because that's not the case. I truly believe neither of us where sober. 'Jasmine is so obsessed with you dude. Everyone can see it so I'm a little suprised that Lilah didn't,'

'Well she used to point out how weird it was that Jasmine was against us dating but yeah.' I mumble in annoyance. I'm actually so done with girls and I'm so excited to graduate since I won't take one seriously at all in college. I learnt my lesson not to date a one for two years when I don't actually love her back. It was selfish and I deserve this backlash.

'Anyways have you seen Ivers recently?' He looks over at me innocently. He has to be asking to annoy me at this point because he's been pestering me about it all day.

'My answer hasn't changed,' I whisper to remind him not to speak too loudly or the teacher will notice that he's not in this class.

We're allowed to sit anywhere in the library so we decided to sit at the window seat in the corner since its secluded and hidden by book shelves. The only way for anyone to see us is if they go out of their way to find us. The books over here are all about ancient Egypt or World War One and Two and no one ever willingly reads those anyways. Most people just google information they need.

'Why are we even whispering? No one can see us,' He finally lowers his voice.

'Just because they can't see us doesn't mean they can't hear us,' I try and get it through his head.

Reaching to my side I pull out my laptop and unlock it so I can actually do work. Opening a document I feel Damon staring at me so I glance up at him.

'Jesus Colton put that away,' he hisses which makes me laugh. Its like he's allergic to any form of schoolwork there is. 'And take off those glasses or else I refuse to be associated with you.'

'Sorry I'm blind Damon. But my glasses are hot.' I try to simultaneously type as I talk, 'girls love them,'

'They're so basic. Are those the type of girls you wanna attract? The bland ones?' he insults me once more, 'the half black on top with the gold wire on the bottom is such a manipulator style pair of glasses. I feel like you're gaslighting me right now just by looking at me,'

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