Four | Colten

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'Did Noah get lost or some shit,' Damon passes the Westview ball he took in between his hands

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'Did Noah get lost or some shit,' Damon passes the Westview ball he took in between his hands. He stole it after our victory last night. He wasn't even discrete about it, the other team didn't ask since they where too ashamed to ask for it back. It was all too fucking funny.

'Maybe he's just really thirsty?' I respond but my head is elsewhere. I've been pretty zooted all week. Not on drugs but on thoughts I guess. 'Do you want me to go and find him?'

'Yeah, suit yourself,' he leans back into his chair. Tossing the ball in a perfect line, up to the roof, he catches it with one hand.

Sliding off his bed, I stretch my arm behind my head to crack it. My whole body is throbbing. I feel like I'm on fire but I love the burn. The after game cramps make me feel good, as if I exerted myself. I like knowing I put in my all for the team, they're more than that to me. They're my friends.

Leaving the room I make my way to the kitchen, slowing down when I pass Katie's room. I look in to see Alex talking to Brylan. She invited her friends over? Acknowledging that she's not in the room with them I put a pin in the thought. It's her family home after all. She's probably in another room.

Walking down the stairs. I make sure to tread quietly, if she's doing one of her assignments again, I don't want to bother her. About to pass the kitchen I stop before I can step in front of the open doorway.

'I assume you don't like virgins?' That's her voice. Her as in Katie, I know because I recognize it anywhere. Is she talking about sex? Assuming she's on the phone, I consider heading right back up the stairs. This is none of my business. I don't want to be thinking about Katie's sex life right now. God. No.

'Sometimes,' I turn right back around. Noah? Making sure I'm not going crazy, I poke my head into the room. 'It depends.'

'Holy shit.' I speak on demand. 'You'd fuck a Virgin? No, scratch that. You'd fuck Katie. Katie, what are you doing?'

Watching both their heads shift to look at me Noah let's go of Katie immediately. 'I wasn't—'

'Yea you sure as hell weren't,' I interrupt him, 'but from what I saw you where about to. You are such an idiot. I thought you were smart. This is not what smart people do? You're not supposed to do this with Katie?! Damon is going to kill you.' I keep my voice down. Occasionally checking that no one else is hearing me besides them.

'Katie what are you doing messing with him. We aren't good people.' I'm self aware. I wouldn't do anything to hurt her because she's my best friends sister but I can't force anyone else to follow that. I wouldn't do anything to hurt anyone. I wouldn't hurt a soul but I know how my friends can be entitled. I just didn't expect it from Noah. I'd see Jacob doing this though, he's so buddy buddy with her. Sometimes I wonder where his mind goes when he looks at her. But Noah? Have they even spoken before?

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