Eighteen | Katie

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Walking towards my locker I put in my code before opening it

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Walking towards my locker I put in my code before opening it. Glancing at the makeshift mirror I had glued down by myself. Whilst looking at it I notice Lilah moving into me. Sighing I ignore her as I look back at the myself pushing the loose hairs from my face.

Most girls had mirrors installed in their lockers since the school can't be bothered to put it in for us. It had almost become a small tradition for boyfriends to put in in the girls lockers for them as a gift.

Ive never really had a boyfriend so I just decided to add one myself so it's not the most flashiest. It's for convenience, it's not like I expect anyone do do it for me. I wanted one so I added one for myself.

'Hey babe,' Lilah taps my shoulder as I try to mask my disappointment. I had expected her to walk past me so I turn to look at her.

She's only an inch shorter than me, her being five foot four, which is almost the same height as Brylan.

'Hey Lilah,' I grab my science book and pencil case out of my locker not really knowing what else she wants me to say.

'You exited for the bio partnerships?' She blinks at me almost glaring into my soul, watching me lock my locker.

'What partnership?' I turn to her, feeling lost.

I'm usually confused about everything since I never check my emails from the teachers.

Brushing her hair behind her ear she leans her head to the side, 'almost our whole class flunked the biology test so the teachers decided to parter us up with the grade above since they got the highest mark finishing their semesters work early...they work pretty fast since they're the 'smart' science class,'

Slouching I grip my book remembering how I got a D on that test. I hadn't properly studied for the exam or focused in class since I was texting Noah or thinking about Noah during bio since it's painfully boring. It's really fucking embarrassing to think about so I like to tell myself that I jut don't study.

Feeling her grab my wrist she drags me down the hallway, seemingly wanting to get there on time. I don't want to come off as rude or to apply any stereotypes on people because hey. It's the twenty-first century. People can have whatever interests they want but I would certainly not assume that hers was a science class.

Knowingly late we knock on the classroom door before entering it and looking around. Everyone in our class seems to be already seated next to someone from the older class. That puts us in a little bit of an uncomfortable situation. I assumed the teacher would give us the courtesy of sitting freely for our first lesson so we get comfortable but I guess not. I guess we're jumping right into it. The class average must've been shit.

Looking around I scoff before seeing Colton staring at his textbook with his pencil resting on his lip. It suddenly makes sense why Lilah wanted to get here so quickly despite her already being late. But something about seeing Colton actually doing well in class is a little shocking.

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