Twenty-nine | Katie

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Sitting on my bed I scroll through Noah's following on social media

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Sitting on my bed I scroll through Noah's following on social media. I know its a little obsessive at this point but the guy did take my v-card for fucks sake. I had told myself I wouldn't care yet here I am.

Sighing I toss my phone onto my bed, flopping down besides it. I have nothing planned for today and I made an attempt to talk to him yesterday night but he left quickly. A part of me wants to accept that he's probably ghosting me but that's such a dick move on his part.

There has to be some reason to why he cant talk to me and I want to ask Damon. Maybe Damon spoke to him so he decided not to talk to me anymore afterwards. It would explain why Colton couldn't tell me something secretive about Damon.

Hearing my door open I ignore it. Hearing heavy items land on my desk I roll my eyes in annoyance. 'Damon can you knock first before you enter? What if I was changing?'

'I'm sorry,'

Pausing I slowly get up when I don't recognize the voice as Damon's. Seeing Colton standing there I sit up.

'I texted you saying that you should stay home and sleep in?' I wonder if I maybe forgot to click the send button on accident. We where supposed to study together today since we didn't finish yesterday but I canceled on his behalf.

Rubbing his eyes he clears his throat before talking, 'no I'm okay...I can do maybe an hour or two if you're okay with it.'

Staring at him he's definitely not in the mindset to teach me anything. If I asked him what two plus two was he would most likely tell me that the answer is seven. He also seems to be leaning on the desk for support and I can't help but wonder if he'd be able to keep himself up if I somehow moved it.

'Well you look exhausted and you seem to be injured,' I point out the door.

'No I'm just really sore from yesterday since i didn't stretch and I'm a little tired that's all. I got home at eleven and slept at twelve thirty.' He tries his best to hide his yawn which only makes it more noticeable. 'Then I got up early because I promised Jacob I'd go to the gym with him. The guy can run on two hours of sleep and be completely fine.'

For some reason he ended up coming over last night but he didn't last long before he started giving me bullshit answers. I'm not kidding when I say at one point he says that humans have three arms but one is just invisible. Letting him have his way I get off the bed. 'Okay but if you pass out-,'

'I won't,' he seems adamant so I humor him. If he feels up to it then I'll let him. 'I won't fall asleep.'

Walking around my bed I exit the door and walk down the hall. I'm going to borrow a chair from Damon's room and he's not currently home so he wont even notice. He's been going on walks a lot more recently. It's a little random and I doubt that's actually what he's doing but he refuses to tell me anything at all. I know I'm not the first person he would tell these kind of things too but it's starting to get a little concerning.

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