Thirty seven | Damon

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'Lilah got into a fight with Jasmine!!' I read the text Jacob sent to the group chat

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'Lilah got into a fight with Jasmine!!' I read the text Jacob sent to the group chat. Frowning I roll my eyes. The one time I ditch school, interesting shit actually happens.

'Yea. I heard my name being said and I left so fast.' Colton responds and his message doesn't seem so cheery which makes me laugh. That guy goes through so much girl drama just because he decided to take one seriously. It makes me worry about Brylan, hopefully when she falls madly in love with me we won't be going through that shit.

First I got to get her to stop hating me which is why I'm not at school. She's got a game in the next town over which is a three hour drive. Usually it would be fine but it starts at 11am and I wanted to get there and figure out her team uniform so I could buy her Jersey, before then I had to leave at 6am. Driving that early wasn't that fun but at least it was worth it.

Would she appreciate me being there? Probably not but it's baby steps. One day she'll realize that I'm not all too bad and I just fucked up once. I've learned my lesson and I won't do it again and I just need to show her that. Even just being friends would be fine with me, I just don't want her to actually hate me.

Putting my phone in my pocket I don't bother answering the message. As curious as I am about Lilah and Jasmine, my priority is on the sales lady in front of me.

'I just want a Coke please...and nuggets,' I point and she hands me both things after pay.

Trying to juggle the food and the stupid orange flowers I bought, I make my way into the Stadium before trying to find an empty seat. Before I sit down I place the food down so I can put the flowers on my lap.

Keeping my head on the court I move my legs every couple of seconds for people to walk past me. Its pretty cramped and I'm tall so I have to physically move myself for others to get past. It might've been easier if I sat in the isle seat.

'Here to see your girlfriend?' I move my legs for the hundredth time only to realize a girl is speaking to me.

' just a friend,' I hesitate to answer as she sits down directly next to me.

'Same...well, kind of—oh you're here for Brylan?' She looks at my Jersey before looking over at the vollyball court and pointing directly at her. I had been trying to find her for five minutes and she spotted her easily. 'I'm here for my sister actually... over there she's the blonde one talking to Brylan,'

'Yeah?' I look over at Brylan and the girls sister before looking back at the girl. 'You look really similar,'

'She's my twin...she's the smarter and sportier one,' she rolls her eyes sarcastically which makes me laugh, 'I'm more fun than she is though, which in my books is better.' She's also prettier, which in my book acts as two wins and not just the one.

Smiling I turn back to Brylan and fixate myself onto her. She hasn't noticed me here and I hope she doesn't since I dont want to distract her. Maybe she prefers having no one she knows in the audience and I'd like to see her play when she doesnt know I'm here. I've never gone to a girls game since it's usually them coming to mine, so I don't really know how to do it. Do I cheer or no? Do I go over there or do I stay put?

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