Forty | Alex

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Stuffing my hands in the pockets of my black cargo shorts I lock my car

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Stuffing my hands in the pockets of my black cargo shorts I lock my car. I haven't been to school all day since I got suspended for a week and it's sucked. Usually I'm always complaining about having to be there but I really miss it. I've spent little to no time with Katie and Brylan and it's so lonely since my parents aren't that fun.

When I got called into the office with Lilah and Jasmine, Jasmine blamed me and Lilah for everything. I didn't even do anything to her but I guess she just wanted to save herself and it worked because she started crying. It caused Lilah to start yelling at her which only made us look worse so Principal Carson believed Jasmine's lie after finding out that Lilah spray canned her.

I wasn't saying anything the whole time so I ended up getting into trouble since I didn't have a 'good reason' to be there. I said I was just trying to help but Jasmine kept crying over me so I gave up. Luckily I didn't get any repercussions since I didn't actually do anything since she at least believed that but Lilah got vandalism written down on her permanent record.

Heading to the front door I knock twice before waiting patiently. Humming to myself I flinch when the door opens quickly. Blinking when I notice it's Lilahs sister who answered, she raises her eyebrows when she sees me.

'You're here without your parents?' She brushes her hair behind her ear which makes me notice how she cut it so it's at her shoulders. 'Are you guys friends or something?'

'We've always been-,' I poke the inside of my cheek but she doesn't let me finish.

'No don't lie...I used to go to the same school as you guys and it was obvious that you're only family friends,' she crosses her arms, 'but is it true about the whole suspending thing?'

'Yea.' I frown but instead of the disappointed pity response I've been getting she swings her arm around my shoulder and ruffles my hair.

'Ya see! Life's way more fun when you're not going with those stupid fucking rules,' she says proudly before placing her hands on my shoulders so she can pull me down to her height, so she can whisper. 'Next time... trash the principals office for me? She's a peice of shit.'

'Well I-,' I laugh awkwardly since I will not be doing that to principal Carson. She has to be the most frightening woman I've ever encountered.

'Diana what are you doing.' I hear Lilahs voice so I follow it to see her staring at us.

She looks a lot more kempt then she did in the past couple days. Her hair is in Dutch braids again so she must've done it herself and she looks not as upset as before. Or as least you can't tell physically anymore.

'I'm talking to Mr Loverboy? Am I not allowed to talk to people now?' She squeezes my cheeks whilst keeping eye contact with her.

Sighing Lilah comes over to me and grabs my shirt so I can follow her away from Diana. Glancing down at her I look back at Diana and her eyebrow are lifted again. Noticing me looking back she mimics kissing faces so I glance away.

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