Three | Katie

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'You know I feel like you expect to much from someone like him,' Alex takes a bite from one of the carrots on his plate

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'You know I feel like you expect to much from someone like him,' Alex takes a bite from one of the carrots on his plate.

I do. I know I do. Let's put it into perspective. Noah has never committed to anyone and likes to mess around, then randomly he texts me and starts talking to me? Weird. There may be a chance he's just bored so he's messing with me but that's not right. It would be stupid to do something like that, Damon is pretty serious about his ban against his friends. He claims I'll only get hurt, so what if this thing I have with Noah was an accident. An accident he doesn't want to let go of. That's good.

'He is being suspiciously nice so there's a chance,' Brylan defends me, giving me hope.

Alex is the voice of reason in our group, he's always honest about how things are and without him I'd most likely be serving a prison sentence. But I couldn't say the same for Brylan, she's the reason why I would be serving a prison sentence without him. Her and I are equally delusional.

'But I saw the way he looked at you Kate,' Alex reminds me for the hundredth time, 'when you went down to him during intermission...he wanted to fuck you. That's about it,'

'I don't know.' I shift in my position on the bed. They wait for a follow up but I don't give them one. I think I'm just worried over the whole thing. I've never had practice on what it's like being with a guy before. One in the same age range as Noah, I only dated one guy for a week when I was in middle school.

In a romantic sense I don't know how men think so I'm struggling to figure out if I'm genuinely liked or just another toy for someone else's enjoyment. It's starting to weigh on me. I really hope he does like me. It would be nice if someone did for a change, especially him. He knows everything there is to Damon so our conversations never sway to him. It's nice to be asked how I'm doing or what I enjoy. I'm not an extension of my brother when I'm around him. I like being treated like that.

'You seem stressed.' Brylan immediately picks up on it. 'What's going on in the life of Katie, besides Noah.' It's as if she can tell that I don't want to talk about it anymore.

Brylan and I have been best friends since the birth of time itself. I love her so much but her life is such a wake up call to me. Luckily she's the older sibling so she isn't burdened with having Damon around. She lives freely without titles or expectations put on her by our peers. When she talks to someone they talk, when I talk to someone all they want is info on my brother. I'm irrelevant as a person. I guess I just love her because she's never done that with me. Unlike most people she likes me and not him. Her and Alex are the only people I can confidently call my own without ties to him. I love that.

Reaching down to my plate I grab one of my last apples. We had gone downstairs to cut up some fruits since we felt like eating something crunchy. Something to distract us from the obvious commotion going on in the house. I'm grateful they showed up on such short notice since I didn't feel like being left alone with Noah and Colton all night. Obviously Damon is home but they had decided to come over as a little victory for winning the game.

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