Twenty-seven | Katie

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Opening Colton's bedroom door I don't look up at him

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Opening Colton's bedroom door I don't look up at him. Instead I rummage through my bag so I can flick through my textbooks.

'Okay so I was thinking we should start on chapter 34 then move to chapter 15 again, since I want to get all the hard topics out of the way,' I explain but I don't hear any form of agreement from Colton so I look up.

Seeing him sitting on his bed he's frozen mid chew. Slowly beginning to chew again he looks away from me so I follow his eyes to see Damon sitting at his desk.

My smile fades as he looks between Colton and I for a few moments, 'I thought you said you where going to the library to study.'

Poking the inside of my cheek with my tongue I don't feel the need to explain. I think it's obvious that I didnt go to the library. Unless the library had a renovation and Colton decided to call dibs on one of the empty rooms.

Watching Damon stand up and head towards me I look at Colton with a worried expression but he just points at his phone.

'I texted you.' He mouths but I barely get to decifer what he said because Damon stands in front of me. Looking up at him he takes my bag and looks through it before looking back at me.

'I didn't know he was tutoring you?' He points at the textbooks and stationary I brought along with me. He most likely put two and two together since I walked in asking about homework.

'What if I was tutoring him?' I defend myself but he doesn't seem to believe my version of events.

'These are Bio books and Colton never fails biology.' He hands me back my bag which I reluctantly take back. 'If he fails then the rest of us are fucked.'

Sometimes I envy other sibling relationships and how they can tell each other about their personal lives. Because as much as I appreciate that he cares but his obsession with any male that I talk too which isn't Alex is deafening. I don't even know why he doesn't mind Alex in the first place because if anything he could've been a bad influence.

'I don't care Katie.' He speaks again since he notices my uncomfortable silence. 'I don't care that you're here.'

Staring at him in shock I cannot bring myself to actually believe him. I don't care, my ass. This has got to be some kind of test because there's no way. He made it clear after the little bathroom scenario that he wouldn't lay a finger on Colton but that doesn't mean he'll grow soft. If he isn't being serious then how am I supposed to react?

'I'm being honest.' He sighs before putting his hand on the door, 'I'm just- I don't care. It's not like you'll listen to me anymore so if I let you get hurt then maybe you will,'

Looking at him in awe I'm almost sure that he's high on something. I don't think he does drugs but maybe he picked it up recently because what? He has to be out of his mind because since when has he 'not cared' about the guys I talk to, especially if it's his friends. Actually noticing it now he does look a little fucked up. I hadn't even realized it this morning because I was in a rush to get here.

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