Chapter 3

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" Yes, You as my Crew Member."

Doctor San shouted those words. I give him a puzzled expression and sense his intentions with my Haki. This decision seems to be impulsive yet serious from what I sense.

" A birdy just gave me a tip that it would be a shame for me to lose a potential crew member like you." He says with a glint in his golden eyes

I bet that 'Birdy' would be Ray-San. Honestly, being a pirate would be way better than getting stuck at a brothel or being auctioned off again as a slave.

" As long as I don't have to wear one of those weird white uniforms." I chuckle a bit
" Condition accepted."

Bepo rushes towards me for a hug and lifts me off the ground. If it's not for his adorable look, I might have scolded him for this tight hug. Some of the boys give me a welcoming smile, Jean Bart keeps his resting face as usual.

I walk towards the Submarine and give a last look towards Amazon Lily, the place where my runaway life ends and start this life of a Pirate. I climb down the Submarine after the boys and walk to the guest room. Doctor San stands outside the door with his cap covering his brows and leaning on the frame.

" This is your personal room. I have told the boys not to enter the room without your permission and kept the uniform for you. Make yourself comfortable and If you need any help, you can come to my office. It's opposite to the kitchen."

" Okay, Doctor San."
" Just call me Captain from now on."

I nod and he smirks as he leaves. The room is still the same apart from the changed bedsheet and comforter. A uniform with the crew logo is on the bed. It consisted of a set of Orange jacket- cuffed pants and a black tshirt with the crew logo at the center. A pair of Black Platform Boots is present under the bed.

It's not bad...Looks kind of cool.

I start unpack my bag by keeping my art supplies and Diaries on the small workstation opposite to the bed, later on I keep my clothes and lingerie on the cupboard next to the workstation. I remove my floaters and start changing into the uniform. It's slightly loose for me but I manage it to adjust the uniform a bit by tucking the tshirt as a cropped one showing some skin of my abdomen and rolling up the sleeves of the jacket.

I comb out my hair with a partion on my right side and keep it open. Looking into a mirror, I see myself, same yet different. Maybe it's the fact that this is one of the most stylish clothes I'm wearing in these years. I lock up the cupboard with the keys that were in the room and keep it in the inner pocket of the jacket. I button up the first two buttons below and leave the room.

I check up the rest of the submarine to familiarise myself with the layout. My room is not so far from the four rooms which are shared among the boys and the Doctor-San I mean Captain's room is right next to mine. The bathroom is next to the shared rooms and at the end is the meeting room which appears to be the biggest room of this floor. A ladder leads up to the upper level which connects to the dinning area and kitchen. On the opposite side of the Kitchen is the office he mentioned earlier and next to is a room filled with maps and a large log pose at its center.

" The newbie has style."

Shachi commented while look at the most obvious location of my body.

" My face is up here not at my chest, Shachi-San so look there while talking."

He gets flustered after my words and holds his ears as a sorry gesture.

" Just give me a tour of the submarine and then I will consider to accept your apology."
" S..Sure, Y/N Chan."

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