Chapter 22

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(Few days Later)


" Thank you so much, James-San. You are a livesaver!" I exclaim in a thankful tone

" Don't worry about it, I will do what you told me." The calm respond followed

" Thank you once again!"

The call ended.

I quickly sprint into Captain's office and knock the door.

" Come in."

I open the door and say, " We can go there. He figured it out."

" Great, share me the details after dinner." He replies while flipping a page from a book

" Yes, Captain."

I walk out of the doorway and check up the destination coordinates with Bepo.

" How long will it take,Bepo?" I ask him

" For the place you told me, it will be 2 days from our current location." He replies with his paw on the giant log pose of the mapping room

" Thanks! You are a genius!" I compliment

Bepo blushes and keeps a paw on his head, denying the compliments.

I walk out from the mapping room into the kitchen cum dining hall.The boys are in a jolly mood today. Usually they dread on the kitchen duties.

" What's going on? Is it a special occasion today?" I ask Uni

" Captain's birthday is in a few hours...." Uni replied as he took out the alcohol from the pantry

" Really?"

" Yeah, it's his 25th birthday. We are thinking to do a party at midnight and have a feast to celebrate." Bepo adds

I have to think of a gift quickly then. Should I draw him a sketch? I can make one but what kind of sketch should I make?

" Do you have a gift ready for him?" Bepo asks me
" No...I didn't prepare one yet." I reply while walking towards the stairs

" You can always tell that...."
" How many times will I tell you? I can't say that to him." I shout out loud

" I'm sorry......" Bepo Sulks

" Bepo, I didn't mean to talk like that." I say and reach for his shoulder for a pat

He keeps his sulky expression, " Promise me that you'll tell your feelings to Captain one day."

"....Okay...I promise."

I touch his paw and he smiles lightly.

" You can come to my room, there would be something that I could gift him." I say

Bepo and I walk down the stairs, passing through the men's dorms. I take out the room keys and open the door. He squats and walks into the room. The room was already small in size and he has to stay in that position.

" I'm feeling hot!" Bepo complains

" You can open up the buttons. Let me help you." I say and stretch my arms to reach for the buttons

I unbutton the jumpsuit collar and open up the jumpsuit a bit showing his sweaty fur. He pants out of the heat.

I open up my closet to reach out for the bag James-San gave me. I rumage through the clothes and wigs for a gift. I fling off the items one by one.

" No, No...Not this!"

I throw more and more items until I see it!

A Long blue coat with a fur lining on the collar.

By Your Side (Trafalgar Law X Y/N)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ