Chapter 20

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[Law's POV]

Cotton-Candy -ya is not a weak marine. He is still standing strong after fighting the Mad-Monk who pushed him back so many times with his devil fruit abilities and seems to have strong Haki.

" I don't have time to waste with you, Cotton-Candy-ya." I grunt while flinging Y/N-ya on my right shoulder

" I'll be quick with the arrest if you..." Cotton Candy asserts

" Room ; Takt!"

I levitate a cabbage filled cart and throw towards his direction. However, Cotton-Candy dodges it quickly and punches towards me.

" Law-San, I can fight!" Y/N speaks

" No, your backlash period is on now. We will retreat to Tang now!"

Silly Woman, trying to push herself. Doesn't she think about her life at all? Her goal to get back her memories? Why is she trying to kill herself again?

" C-Captain..are you okay?" Bepo asks me

" Bepo, take her right now and get the submarine ready!"

He lifts Y/N-ya from my shoulder to his arms, her face has a squinty expression, showing the exhaustion and wait of the upcoming backlash.

Cotton-Candy and The sunglasses guy are coming near to us.

" Captain...." Y/N tries to speak

" Go back, now!"

Bepo leaves with Y/N-ya in his arms. I unsheath Kikoku to be ready for the fight against that duo. I sense another person, in my direction.

Cotton-Candy comes with a punch targetting my abdomen.

" Room ; Shambles"

I teleport away from him and switch places with the glasses guy. He ended up punching the other guy right at the balls.

" I'm sorry, Helmeppo." Cotton Candy flusters

" You should fight him, I will look for the masked one." Glasses suggests

I scan around the area to think of a distraction, big enough to get them busy and long enough to let us slip out of here. I raise Kikoku and cut a building in half.

The Civilians inside are terrified.

" Room ; Takt "

All of them levitate mid air in between the rocks. I lift them a few metres up in the air and close the room.

" Save us from this pirate!" An old lady cries

" Oh, shit...." Cotton Candy mutters as he looks away from me and leaps mid air

I put it in the scabbard and retreat away from the cotton candy to stop the glasses guy. This place is no longer safe for us now. We have to retreat as soon as possible.

====(POV Change)====


Bepo is huffing and puffing now. He's running towards the repaired Polar Tang.

" We are almost there, Captain told us to prepare for the departure." He pants out

Shachi shouts, " Bepo! Y/N-Chan! Watch out!"

My haki is near to depletion but i can still sense a bit, " Jump Now!"

Bepo got startled from my words and jumps up in fear.

A knife grazes upon Bepo's boots and clings on the hull of Tang.

" Pet! Stop now!" The male voice boomed

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