Chapter 13

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[Law's POV]

Really, Shachi?Newly Promoted, Vice Admiral Smoker is behind our asses and you are worried about me having a "Good Time".

" Shachi-ya, We don't have time for this!" I quip"Come on, my friend Law! You need some time to relax!" he says while lifting his hands and holding them behind his neck

Ahhh this idiot! Why can't he understand the seriousness of this situation? Marines and not just regular marines, it's Smoker who is behind our fucking asses and we need to leave from here.I slap him, hard enough to nearly knock him out. His limbs lose balance for a moment.

" That hurts Man!"" It will get worse if you get caught by the Marines. Now, let's go!"

==(POV Change)==


" Have you seen this person?" The marine in glasses asks me

I can't let them know that the person they are looking for is me.

" No, I didn't see this person, Maam."

She glances for a moment and passes me the poster.

"Do tell us, in case you spot them."

She walks away in the direction of one of her subordinates. I check my inner pocket for the mask.

I feel the lines of the mask. Yes, it's there.

I slip past the crowd, in the direction of Polar Tang. My masked alter ego posters are across this town along with one of Captain and some crew members.I come close to the town's notice board to check all the posters.

Bepo: 500 Berries

" Double Trouble" - Penguin: 40 Million Berries

"Double Trouble" - Shachi: 40 Million Berries

"Thunder Roar" - Jean Bart: 110 Million Berries

" Surgeon of Death" - Trafalgar Law: 200 Million Berries

And the end there is mine, my face covered in a mask and my hair shabbily open.

"Underworld's Nightmare" - Nightshade: 150 Million Berries

That's that total from there! The total from the amount accumulated of the bets!

Marines do watch the underworld but don't act on the dirty activities that happen over there.The sharp sensation hits me again. My eyes close and it feels stronger as if someone is in pain.A crowd is forming around the cafe, Captain and I went a while ago. I push past the crowd and see the white-haired man with a waiter. The same waiter who served us tea.

" Did you see Trafalgar Law?"He whimpers, "No, I didn't see him, sir"

He gets punched right in his abdomen.

" Is your manager lying? He clearly saw you taking a bribe from those bloody pirates!"

The people start to hoot in disapproval of the waiter, some call him a traitor.I should help him, but how?

I slip in the mask as the crowd gathers around the duo and take out my knife. Squatting down and taking small steps ahead to rescue that guy.Eventually, I reach the front. That guy has a bloodied nose and a crimson-soaked shirt on him. The white-haired marine throws off his cigar and lights another one.

" I'm giving the last chance to you....tell me the truth otherwise you will be arrested for giving shelter to the pirates."

The guy stays silent, and the crowd boos and demands his arrest.

" Take Away this street rat!"" He doesn't deserve to live here!"

The manager says, " Vice Admiral, Arrest this Parasite and show him his true place!"
" Don't listen to him! He's the actual Parasite...He took away...."" Lies! Please do what I said!" The manager interrupts

I throw my knife, aiming for the manager. However, it got blocked by the marine.

" Who was it?"

I emerge from the crowd, punching the manager in his face with an uppercut. His nose has become crooked and the main cover of his nose.

" Smoker, who the hell is this?"" Someone from the Underworld, a scum bag like him."

I keep my calm as Smoker walks toward me, lower his glasses and taking a puff from the cigars.

" Nightshade...The whole Underworld knows your name and now you are working with Pirates...If I'm not wrong...You are working with the Surgeon of Death?"

" mean the yellow hoodie guy? Yes, I met him like one time but Nah, Nightshade only works for themselves."

I inch my knife onto him and hum, " And this doesn't give me a good expression of the Marines. Beating up an innocent civilian?"

" He was taking a bribe from the pirates."" But so do the Marines? Spending the money on me."

The Audience gasps and mutters among themselves.

" Well...the men over there like to spend the money you all offer in taxes and protection money on people like me. So Vice-Admiral...I request you to leave this boy and let him say what he wants to say."

The manager rolls his eyes, "Smoker! He will confess the truth! Maybe we should knock more sense into him!"

" And don't listen to this no-name of a woman."

I look towards the manager and give him a bow, " this the way you will treat me, sir? After winning a bet of 15 Million Berries and buying over that cafe?"

"H-How do you know that? That he got this money and bought my parent's cafe?" The boy asks me" It's a lie! They are lying Vice-Admiral!"" I have the Proof, Sir! He's the one who is lying."

I chuckle and release two tendrils, one for the knife aiming at the manager's eyeball, the other for the legs, holding him.

" Is this how you all practise Justice? Letting a corrupt man destroy a boy's life?"

===(POV Change)===

[Law's POV]

Y/N-ya disappeared again! Why does this woman always have this habit of vanishing on her own?

" Awww, is Law falling in love?" Shachi croons

" Shachi-ya, You always claim to be her brother and it's weird you are not worried."

Shachi pauses for a moment and looks at the crowd gathering. I look at the notice board, containing our bounty posters.

When did she get a bounty? How much it is?


His face makes a confused expression.

" What is she doing there? With her mask on?"" What?""Captain what's wrong with your face?"

Shachi looks at me with an odd face, "Your mouth is wide open."

I close my jaw. Shachi also looks at the notice board and drops his jaw too.

" Now you know why....""Agreed"

I see a figure making a jump in our direction. They land on their feet. A Woman in glasses runs onward in our direction.

" Law-San, it's a coincidence that we meet again."

A woman in a mask with a Triangular Blade knife. It was Y/N-ya.Shachi utters her name under his breath, I give a punch on his chest and shake my head.

" N-N-Nightshade, yes we do meet again," Shachi mutters" Okay, that guy. Anyways, Here's some advice from me, run! White Chase is behind your asses and the troublemaker will see you along with a bear.""Along a What?"" Troublemaker will meet you with a Bear! That's the message they asked me to tell you."

I give a smirk back, " It was really nice to see you Nightshade-Ya."

I pull Shachi in the opposite direction and start running.

" Why didn't she join us?"" She will join us. Convey the rest to be back at the Tang ASAP!"" Yes, Captain!"

Shachi goes into an alley which would take him to the Red-Light District.

The same woman in glasses raises a Katana towards me, " Trafalgar Law! I will take back that sword from you."

I hold Kikoku.

It's a cursed blade from what I was told by the owner of the auction house back in North Blue. However, its classification is still unknown.

" Try if you can Glasses-ya.""Room; Shambles."

I remove her head by amputation and place it on a beer barrel.

" Trafalgar! How dare can you do this?"

I ignore her and teleport the two of us out of her sight.

===(POV Change)===


" What kind of person are you?" White Chase hisses

I flip backwards and imagine a fist emerging out of me. The tendril changes its shape to a fist and punches him. He comes out of it unhurt and swings his weapon towards me. I bring my knife to parry his attack.

I bend down and elbow at a weak point, sensing from my Haki.

It's the Solar Plexus!

I push my elbow hard and use my full force in this attack. He stumbles backwards and I do a roundhouse kick to disarm him.

The boy whom I helped sees me leaving and shouts, " Thank You! Thank You for bringing the truth out!"

I bow down and run towards Tang. Think about what I did on an impulse.

Captain gave that boy extra money as he saw him counting the bills, appearing to be in some form of debt. Later on, the crowd gathered to see the boy beaten up and a malicious smile was there on the face of the manager. The Manager, I remember him as one of the men who used to place huge bets in my favour. Even the Bet God used to get surprised by the amounts he betted on. The Manager used to boast about buying up a cafe and making that boy be buried in debt.I decided to help him as he reminded me of the hard times before and second of all, distract the marines from our way.

White Chase takes a step in my direction but the boy comes in between us. I wave a hand to him and go into the alley, to the docks.

I remove my mask quickly and see Bepo waving his hand on the top of Submarine.

" Where were you?" he asks with a worried tone" I will tell you all about it bestie," I reply with a smile and go inside with him

I walk down to the Lounging area and see the boys staring at me, my bounty poster at the table. All of them gave a range of expressions from shock to confusion and a proud smile from Penguin and Shachi.

" Captain has some competition now." Penguin comments

" I really don't care about it, However, Y/N-Ya what you did was reckless! You could have been caught by the marines and I would-"

He grabs my jacket and his golden eyes look straight into me, " I mean, the Crew would be worried about you! It's the second time you did this! And as a punishment, You will be cleaning my office for the rest of the week."

I gulp and nod. Bepo walks with me to my room and we go-ahead to the next destination.I gulp and nod. Bepo walks with me to my room and we go ahead to the next destination.

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