Chapter 37

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[Law's POV]

" I am not a Bitch, you are." Y/N hissed
" Says the retired oldie." Green hair said
" Yeah and your retirement starts now." Y/N said with her knife in her hand

" Monet, Nightshade, Calm down." Julius raises his voice

Green Hair rolls her eyes as Julius gestures me to sit along with them and talk to Caesar Clown.

His face is straight from a weird horror film. white with weird lips and cloudy mist covering his paper thin figure along a lab coat.

" So, what business interests a surgeon? Perhaps a new set of intruments." Clown Chuckles as he gives me a look

" SMILEs. I'm interested in SMILEs." I reply

Clown's eyes wavers, " You can ask about something else."

" Cut the chase, Clown-ya. Vegapunk's former associate, you have quite the business down here, Thanks to Punk Hazard."

" How do you know about that place?" Clown gasps
" The world knows. Admiral Battle." I roll my eyes

His eyes blink rapidly, the seaweed-colored hair woman still look coldly towards us, especially towards Y/N-ya.

" I want to help you with it. I am good with chemicals and internal medicine." I add and give a serious look
" Aren't you a surgeon?" Sea-weed asks
" I am a trained medical professional, with a sub-sub speciality in surgery."

" I see." Caesar responds

Clown pounders upon my words while the woman whispers something in his ear. He nods his head and raises his brows.

" We have a condition."
" Alright, what is it?" I look up towards him

" A rematch with the retired masked person." Seaweed-ya said
" I have decided the wager as well." Clown added

" What is it?" Y/N ya asks

Clown smiles grimly, " The loser will get their limbs amputated."
" All of them?" I ask
" Yes, all of them."

Clown keeps that grim smile,probably thinking of one of his experiments. Her haki starts to shake a little, in shock of this disgusting wager.

" Give us some time to discuss. Julius-ya, do you have a place where we can discuss alone?" I ask

The masked man nodded and opened a door, it was an office space with dim lights.

" Room"

The blue sphere covers the room to prevent anyone hearing our conversation.

" Y/N-ya, are you okay?"

She nods slightly. I tap on her mask and see a raged face.

" He's crossing his limits, using this bet to fund and risking out two lives." she mutters in anger, almost at the verge of swearing

I hold her close, " You don't have to do this. I will figure something out, Y/N-ya"

" Law-San, I will do it." she says firmly
" No, Don't. I can't see that happen."

I don't want her to lose that battle and let Clown cut her limbs are perhaps take her away for experiments if he finds out...

" Y/N-ya, please. Don't do this." I plead
" Law-San, trust me."

Her two-toned eyes look towards me, filled with determination, " I will win. For our mission."

I will be her strength now. It's my time to show her that.

I kiss her forehead, " That's an order, Y/N-ya."
" Yes, Law-San."

I said that as your boyfriend, not captain.

Doflamingo. Because of you, she has to go through this. A wager with her limbs on stake.  Once I see you, I will be there to destroy everything you have.

She wears her mask and I deactivate my powers.

I open the door and sigh, " We agree to the wager and the match."

" Amazing!" Clown exclaims with his hands clapping

" Can't wait to make your retirement permanent, masked woman." Sea-weed taunts

" You will be starting yours without your limbs." Y/N-ya hisses back

Julius comes in between, " The match will take place next week, in the central arena. I will do the preparations."

He places two papers on the table, " Here is the formal consent of the wager and the match. Everyone here must sign on it before i go ahead."

She gives a look at the paper and signs it. Seaweed mocks by sticking her tongue out, Y/N-ya flips her in response.

" Works, See you both next week." Julius says while whisking the papers away

" See ya, Surgeon." Clown snickers as he floats from the chair

We leave from the Bird-Cage and take the exit pathway towards the island. It was a ladder and we climb up to reach to the surface.

We come over the shore, where Polar Tang is anchored. The boys are probably inside, doing the evening routine checks.

She removes her mask with a dull look on her face.

" I will win, no matter what, Law-San." she whispers

" I believe in you, my heartbeat." I say as I kiss on her forehead

Her cheeks turn rosy as we walk downstairs to our room.

" We will train this week. The two of us."
" Law-San, it's okay, I can train on my own. I know about her abilities"
" No, we are training together. Your life is at stake."

I can't let you risk it all. My heart will rip into pieces.

" The journey ahead is not easy. We have to face tougher enemies in the future, I want us to be stronger to face everything ahead."

I squeeze her hands gently as we stand next to her room door.

" It's been a long day, you should go to sleep now."
" You too, Law-San." she speaks and gives a soft smile

She goes inside the room and I walk back to mine. Alone with my thoughts.

Clown-ya is really one kind of a nuisance. He just cares about his business and nothing else. Could be because Joker is giving him the full support to do anything he wants.

And wait is closing to its end and so is your time here in this world.

I will do what your own brother, Cora-San couldn't do. I will fulfil Cora-San's mission.

By Your Side (Trafalgar Law X Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now