Chapter 15

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We are having a party on the deck. Occasion?

Escaping from the Marines before and my first bounty being issued for me. Everyone here is clinking beer mugs with each other, Juice obviously for me.

A mini buffet is set up with fried shrimp, spicy chicken, noodles, steamed rice and stir-fried vegetables. I prepared it along with Shachi and Penguin and Yes, the kitchen is not destroyed.

There were sing-alongs, a hidden talent show and some random party games going on. I silently participated in the events as long as they don't ask me to do something stupid. With the events going ahead, the boys progressively become drunk and by saying drunk, all kinds of drunk people.

Shachi transforms into a singer who only sings sad songs, Penguin throws up on Khione who is giggling nonstop. Jean Bart falls asleep and the rest...are concerned. Bepo drinks less since he's usually the one handling the drunk people and I'm helping him out.

I release my shadow into a vine-like shape and connect it with Bart's Shadow. The connection is successful. I gesture my left hand by joining the index and middle finger and curling them to wrap the shadow. I levitate the giant and climb down towards the boys' shared rooms.

Bepo and I slowly work together to move back the drunk ones into their rooms. One of them even kissed my adorable best friend on the nose and his blushed expression is priceless. He stays downstairs to clean up Penguin and Khione while I go back on deck to clear the dishes and also check on Captain.

The pop-up table is easy to dismantle with a few clicks on the hinges and I stacked the trays and plates. The captain is sitting on the upper deck and I hear him crying. He flings an empty bottle into the sea and I quickly climb up the ladder to check upon him.

Suddenly, he hugs me and sobs.

" Why did he die for me? Why?" He chants

The chanting continues for a minute.

" Captain, are you okay?" I ask him while the hug gets a little tighter

" I wish I could say that."

" What do you mean?"

" I can't tell anyone that I'm not okay. I feel alone and scared. I wish Cora-San was here with me."


" He saved me. Saved me from dying but at the cost of his life."

No one mentioned the benefactor's name. Bepo mentioned that Law never mentioned the name to them.

I give him a shoulder for support as we sit down. It's the least I could do for him and what he did for me all this time. Also, the way I could reciprocate my feelings for him.

" I just kept on living for my revenge but what if I lose the crew in the way.....Everyone who gets close to me dies."

" It won't happen, Captain. All of us are working hard to be stronger to face the 'New World'. We will help you even if that means dying."

" You just don't understand...I lost my parents at the hands of the Government...My younger sister burned to her death and then Cora-San...

He holds his breath for a moment

" He was killed by Doflamingo to save me."

" That Doflamingo...the warlord?"

" I was too naive, consumed in my rage....he was brainwashing me, a dying child to do his dirty work. His henchmen trained me to take Cora-San's place who would have eaten my devil fruit and did that...

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