Chapter 35

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[Law's POV]

" Boys, it's time to submerge." I order

The crew walks down inside as the engineering team set up the controls. Y/N-ya looks a bit tensed as we go downstairs. She carried the chest using her powers and keeps it in my office.

" Captain, all good to go." Hakugan says with a thumbs up
" Start the engines and set the navigation to the next destination."

" Roger, Captain."

The sub starts to submerge underwater and the medical team starts to treat Bepo's and Jean Bart's wounds. Y/N-ya walks in her room.

"Captain..the wounds.....
"Later, treat the others first."

I quickly rush to my room to keep Kikoku down and go to her room and open the door.

" Law-San, you haven't..."
" Are you okay, Y/N-ya?"
"Yes, you should...
" I will patch myself up pater. First, Tell me what you wanted to say."

She swallows and says, " A CP-0 agent came on our ship and I met her, the Empress of the Underworld."

One of the rulers of the underworld is a CP-0 agent. What were they doing here?

" And her face was familiar...I saw her in one of those visions." She whispers under her breath

" You mean, you met an empress of the underworld over there." I say trying to interpreting her vague words

" I think so. I don't know whats the deal with her with the marines and the goverment, however she gave me a hint, where i could look for my answers." she continued with that unsure tone

" What kind of hint, Y/N-ya?" I ask her resting my arm on her shoulder

"Punk Hazard."

"Punk Hazard?"

"She said it is the place for all of my answers."

It's the place where Caesar is operating currently. A former base under the world government for Vegapunk. Vegapunk, he's known to be a genius with a vast knowledge of sciences.

From what I know, he used to work with him before a rift happened between them.

Wait! Does that mean she had a connection to Vegapunk?

" Do you think we could trust her?" I ask her

She looks away for a moment. Unsure of herself.

" I don't know. As per Haki, she wasn't lying but I don't know, whether she's right or not." she continues with lowered eyes

" Then, I think we have to go there. Since we needed to make a stop there anyways." I reassure her

" Punk Hazard? Why?"

" Caesar operates there and if our plan goes well, we can stay there to look for the answers."

Her brows frown with worry, " I hope it's true for us."

I rest my palm on her chin, " I am with you, we will find the truth together."

She lightly smiles and I kiss her cheek.

" I will call one of the boys to patch you up."
" No need, Law-San. I will be fine in a while."

Ahh..her powers of course. She can heal herself.

" Alright, Y/N-ya. Rest well." I say with a forehead kiss

I walk out of her room and go upstairs for checking the coordinates to the Marine Headquarters with Hakugan.

" It won't take too long, Captain."
" Great! Do give me updates every hour."
" Aye Aye, Captain."

An empress of the Underworld, CP-0, Punk Hazard and Y/N-ya's past. These things aren't making sense for now. She does have that perplexed expression while explaining all of that to me.

That's the only chance she might get her answers. I am struggling to understand what exactly is she?

Those Powers, Vapometal is infused in her bones, her pain tolerance is quite high, that mark behind her neck and that presence of death. That feeling. It's hard to comprehend. It's like there is something more behind those powers. Something one is not supposed to know.

Anyways, the plan is going well and I'm closer to become a warlord now.

[One Week Later]
[Law's POV]

" All of the hearts are in this bag, Captain." Jean Bart said as he passed me the bag

I wore a long black coat and hung Kikoku on my shoulder.  I grab the bag with my left.

" We are about to surface." Shachi adds

The sub starts to rise up slowly and I check from the viewfinder to check the number of troops on the dock. That's a lot and wait, one of the Vice-Admirals is standing there. A man in a dog mask.

" The sub is surfaced, Captain you can go."
" Alright Boys, I'll be back."

I climb up the stairs with the cold air blasting on my face. I walk my way up to the deck, then I take a jump and look at the Vice-Admiral in the eye.

" It's the Surgeon of Death." A man gasps
" Sir, we cannot attack him." another shudders with shaky arms

" Relax you all. I am here to take the position of Warlord and here i offer a 100 beating hearts of unruly pirates." I announce

I throw the bag away to their direction, with my eyes still looking towards the Vice Admiral.

" There is a log pose inside for the location of the pirates. If you still doubt me, I can get more hearts for you all."

" Men, hold your fire." the Vice Admiral orders

I give them a smug look. The Vice Admiral walks ahead and opens the bag. He grabs one of the hearts with wide eyes.

" You didn't lie, I see."

He passed the bag to one of the marines and clears his throat. He scanned across the submarine, looking for the crew.

" I am here in peace, to volunteer my candidature for the Warlord position." I reiterate my words one last time

"I will talk to my superiors young man, about that Warlord thing and we will get back to you about it." he replied seriously

"Splendid, I will be waiting to hear from your side."

I walk back to the sub and say, " It was nice meeting you, Dog Mask."

I tap on the door and slide inside for departure.

And the plan continues.

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