Chapter 8

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(T/W: Graphic Violence)

[Law's POV]

"Captain, I think someone is following us." Shachi whispers
" Follow me."
He nods and I create a 'Room'.


I teleport myself not so far from my original locations to two confused guards with guns aimed at our side, discussing to change their target.


The sword cut the guards into half with their torso seperated from their legs. I catch hold of one of the arms of the guards. Second guard shrieks in fear from loosing his legs and sobs in the corner.

" Where is Bepo?" Shachi asks them
" What is Bepo?" one of the dismembered guard asks us
" A White Bear.." I add

" That white Bear....he got dragged by our boss.." he whimpers
" Who is your Boss?" I cross-question him with a tightened grip on his arm
" Mr. 0, Sir Crocodile."

Crocodile...that man Y/N-Ya told me in one of the sessions. I saw him in Marineford as well when he was attacking Whitebeard.

" Atleast give our legs back." the guard mumbles
" Not until you take me to your boss."

I signal Shachi to tie up the separated legs from the rope stored in their uniforms. I patch one of the guards with their limbs using my Devil Fruit abilities and Shachi ties him up on the tree..

" What about me?"
" Shachi carry his legs...and do what I just said..otherwise it won't be a bad idea to sell off some of your organs."

The dismembered guard shudders in fear and points towards the path ahead. I grasp the arm and drag him on the way to Crocodile. It's leading us towards a forest with unconscious, trippy looking people on either side.

" How long will it take to reach there, Captain?" Shachi asks me
" Head-Ya, Speak..."

The guard's head shudders again, " W-we will reach there soon."

I toss it in the sky and toy with it on my way ahead. Two giant shadows cast above us. One of them is covered in blades and second is.....

Bepo in his bloodsoaked jumpsuit and teary eyes.

" Take this Mink and go away." The bladed person quipped while pushing Bepo towards us

Bepo cries silently.

" Where is Y/N Chan?" Shachi asks
" That whore is none of your business. Just be thankful for her to keeping this Mink alive."

Why the Fuck did she do this? Damn it! We have to bring her back before something happens to her....

" It's our business...

I throw the head on the ground and unsheathe Kikoku.

" Because your boss got involved with my crew today."
" Then I, Mr 1 will end the business of the day."

He lunges towards Bepo who's injured.

" Room"
" Shambles"

I switch places with Bepo and block the slash. He joins his fingertips which forms a sword like blade on his arms.

Must be a Devil Fruit Eater. Regular attacks won't work on him in this case.

He targets my hand which is positioned to keep my "Room".

I jump off in the opposing direction at the last moment and end up grazing my palm onto that blade. He's fast.

I disable the 'room' to focus on defence. It's hard to calculate on his next move as his arms are not only the place where he can generate blades. His whole body is no less than a sword.Clashes with his limbs turned blades and there is not even an opening to retaliate. I retreat to increase the distance between us.

" Shachi! You will Throw the Legs!"
" Where?"
" I will tell you!"

" Captain, Watch out!" Bepo warns from an upcoming attack on my right

I release Armament Haki to protect my right arm and swing Kikoku to parry the crescent kick. A part of my shirt sleeve tears off from the impact.

"Shachi! Now!"

Shachi throws the legs in the air.

" Room"
" Shambles"

I teleport mid air and land next to the crawling guard who whines in pain. There is only one chance to do this. I grab the arm of the crawling guy and toss him behind me.

" What the..." he cries in the air

I slide Kikoku back in the scabbard.

"You will regret doing that..Spiral Hollow." The blade man growled

The blade on the arms have turned into chainsaws and he leaps towards my direction.

" Shambles"

I switch places again and the guard is cut into multiple pieces. Blademan is distracted now.

" Gamma Knife"

A green electric blade emits out of my hand. I target his vertebrae which is covered in steel. Steel can conduct electricity and it will also affect his neurological processes.

Ideal enough to paralyse him on the legs.

His devil fruit powers deactivate with the fading of the metal on his body. He collapses on his knees and I kick on his head, hard enough to knock him out.

My body feels slightly exhausted right now. That last move is something I'm working on after Amazon Lily.

" C-Captain, Are you okay?" A teary Bepo asks me
" Leave that Bepo, Where is Y/N-Ya?" I asks him

Bepo's expression becomes more teary

" Uh, she told me to escape with you all..." the mink whimpers
" So it means...." Shachi adds

"Not to get involved in her problems."  I interrupt Shachi

" We should-"

" Shachi, go back and treat Bepo's wounds. It's an order." I assert 

They try to argue with me.

"I will bring her back. The crew will be together."

I look over the track screen and follow the direction indicated on it. 

——(POV Change)——


I decided to surrender myself after seeing Bepo's condition. He tried to rescue me on his own after arguing with the crew. I had to keep him and the rest away from my problems, so I gave Bepo the message for the crew to leave the island.

 I'm chained into sand based shackles over my hands and legs courtesy of Mr 0's Devil Fruit Abilities. 

Ropes now Sand.

Really these Baroque Works members are into bondage for some weird reason. I hate that a lot especially after being tied up for my majority time spent with them.

" So, my personal whore was a combatant in underworld and now, tagging along one of those rookies." Mr 0 chides while toying with my mask

" Way better than being with you...Sir." I hiss
" Now, I will start again my plan of dominating the sea.  Already the drug business is so successful at the moment."

All those intoxicated people on the path were drugged.

" Then, I will create a bigger crime syndicate which will take over the underworld." he announces and inches his look on my neck
" Unexpectedly, you are the key to my plan....give me all that sweet information now."

The hook reaches for the neckline of my dress revealing the hook mark on my collarbone and it starts to rip slowly.

" Our deal is still in effect, we can always finish our interrupted session." he says with a smirk on 

Fuck! Not again!

The hook pushes the neckline and he rubs off the cigar butts. Mr 0 keeps the cigar on his fingers. The size of the tear increases, exposing my bra and midriff along with a familiar grin on his face.

A similar long sword points at Mr 0's neck. 

" Y/N-Ya. Your problems are the crew's problems."

It's Captain's voice. He's here.

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