Chapter 27

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I open the envelope, it was a picture of me with another girl in grey clothes. Neither of us were smiling, we had a straight face with focused eyebrows, rigid posture as if all angles of the limbs were calculated.

In my mind, there is a faint memory of a dim-lit chamber and a man in a lab-coat. He looked crazy and spoke in a weird tongue. He claimed himself to be a genius of some government, wants to recreate a thing of the past in one of us.

What else I can remember....Men and Women in white, needles, medicines....blood...weapons....and...

I feel dizzy and fall down on my knees.

" Are you okay..." a faint voice echos

(Few hours later, at an island in Grand Line)


I open my eyes and a hand patting my head.

" It's me." A male voice said

I blink my eyes a few times and it's Law-San.

" Your vitals are normal, you collapsed due to exhaustion. Didn't knew superhumans can also get exhausted."

He passes a bottle of water, I take a slow sip and lean onto the tree trunk to regain my senses. He had a transponder snail in his hand, talking with the crew about our location.

" What happened over there?" I ask him

" You fainted and I quickly checked your vitals, did some scans. However, when I tried to touch your forehead for the temperature, your shadow smacked my face and tried to cover you."

" My shadow?"

He nods, " It could be a protection mechanism for you and might help you during fights if you apply haki to it."

" Applying Haki?"
" Yes, Armament Haki."

Ahhh...That thing Ray-San told me.

" How can I do it?"
" We'll discuss it later, somewhere safe."

He stays still in a cautious stance with a gaze towards the sea, maybe waiting for Polar Tang to dock here. The transponder snail is hung around his left shoulder, which is wearing a miniature replica of his polka dotted fur rim hat.

My heart is beating slow, admiring his appearance and the breeze blowing the hair which enhances his visuals. 

" You're smiling."
" No?"
" Its not that creepy one atleast." He chuckles

" Shut up, Trafalgar Law." I say and release a tendril to smack his face

He groans and stretches his fingers, " You are not the one with powers, Y/N-.......

YAAAAAAAAAAAA" he screamed and fell off the rocks into the sea

Oh Fuck! He can't swim.

I dive into the water and hold him close. He's struggling to breathe and wiggled his legs in order to float. I wrap my arm around his waist tightly and pull us towards the surface by summoning another tendril to attach on that rock.

I use my strength and pull us ashore, he's coughing out water and then he stopped doing it. His eyes were closed. I lean onto his chest for listening to his breathing.


I tear off his shirt and start doing chest compressions.

Remember what Shachi-San told you. Don't press it too hard.

I check his breathing.

Don't tell me...

I lean to his mouth and start doing mouth to mouth breathing.

Please, Law-San..I can't lose you..

I don't want to imagine not having you in my life.


His chest rises and sinks again. He's breathing.

" You're alive.." I mutter while holding his hand

I sense the submarine surfacing at the coast.

We'll go back together.

His eyes open slowly and takes a deeper breath. I let him sit up slowly at the tree trunk. He runs his hand around his chest, noticing the torn shirt.

" I'm sorry...I had no choice.."

He tilts his heads and gives a smile as a reply. My chest gets warm. I was holding his hand.

I think I should pull it away..

The grip on my hand tightens. His smile is still there.  I couldn't say anything to him.

I want to tell him. We can't be together. I'm not the one for you, Law-San.

" They look so cute....." I hear a familiar whisper
" Let me see them!" Another familiar voice said

"Bepo, no!"  A third voice shouts

The tree trunk is about to crack. I push Law-San away and I bring in my shadows to create a barrier. I make an X with my arms to brace myself for impact.

My body is strong enough to handle it after all. I close my eyes, praying for Law-San's safety.


The thunderous noise silenced. I look at my arms, coated in the shadow, so is my chest.

That's a new skill. My shadow can act as an armor.

Bepo's jaw dropped, Penguin-San rubbed his eyes, Shachi-San pinched his arm.

" How is this possible?" Penguin-San asked me

They don't know about the anatomy thing. I shake my head and lie, " Maybe it's just my powers."

" Probably."

Bepo grabs me and holds me midair, " You are safe!"

" Yes, Bestie."

Shachi stands with Law-San, who has wrapped his arm around shoulders.

We walk back inside the submarine and to our rooms. I take off all accessories, remove my makeup and change my clothes. The photo stays on my workstation.

Knock, Knock.

" I don't feel like eating guys."

Knock, Knock.

" How many times I have to tell you that...."

" Tell me what, Y/N-ya?" Law-San asks as he opens the door with a bottle of guava juice

" N-Nothing, Law-San."

He sighs, " I was coming around here to say thank you for saving my life."

" I was just doing my job as your crew, Law-San." I say

" I know. Take this."

He tosses me the juice bottle.

" Don't starve to sleep, Y/N-Ya."
" Law-San, I don't want this."

" It's an order." He smirks
" Yes, Captain."

" Sleep well, Y/N-ya."

He closes the door while giving me a wink.

Fuck....he has this devious charm that I can't resist. Why he always has to tease me like this?

I pound over these thoughts as i drink the juice and fall asleep.

By Your Side (Trafalgar Law X Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now