Chapter 12

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3rd POV

(Naruto episode 8)

Everyone was at a stand still. Waiting to see who makes the first move. Zabuza spoke up, "Such loud snorting, but do you have a winning plan?"

Kakashi was alarmed, "What are you guys doing! I told you to run! It was obvious what was going to happen once I was caught! Hurry! Run! Listen to me! Our mission is to protect Tazuna! Have you forgotten that?!"

"Old man..", Naruto looks at Tazuna who is looking at the ground. Other Genin were looking at him too.

"Well... This is the seed I planted... I can't say that I want my life to be spared. Sorry you guys.. Fight as much as you want!"

"You heard that?", Sasuke smirks.

"Are you ready?", Naruto asked.

Zabuza starts laughing finding the situation amusing, " You guys haven't learned anything, have you? You're still playing ninja?"

With that Zabuza started telling them about the graduation exam and how they have to kill each other to pass. Kill or be killed till you're the last one standing.

At the end he looked at the Genin intensely making them all scared. Zabuza soon had hit Sasuke with the elbow sending him flying a little far.

Once again he used his elbow to hit Sasuke while he was on the ground. Making him cough up blood.

Zabuza was stamping Sasuke making him writhe in pain. Naruto make a lot of clones while y/n started making hand signs.

All Naruto's attacked Zabuza, kunai in hand. Zabuza blocked them with his sword and sent them flying with his strength.
Seeing an opening y/n slammed her hand on ground, "Earth Style: Rock Throw Jutsu".

Small stone from around them were sent flying towards Zabuza keeping him busy. Naruto took this opportunity and executed his plan.

Naruto threw Demon Wind Shuriken towards Sasuke who caught it realising something. Sasuke stood, opening the shuriken.

"A shuriken won't work in me", Zabuza told him.

Sasuke jumped and threw the shuriken with great strength and momentum. Zabuza clone just stood there but the shuriken passed by him going to hit his main body.

Zabuza caught the shuriken easily. But then realised there was another shuriken coming towards him. But he dodged it pretty easily by jumping in the air.

As Sasuke smirked there was a poof from the shuriken which was actually Naruto. Naruto threw a kunai.

(Naruto episode 9)

Kunai was thrown at a great speed aimed at Zabuza's hand which held Kakashi captive. Zabuza had no choice but to move his hand. Releasing Kakashi in the process.

The kunai cut Zabuza under the eye and destroyed Zabuza clone. Getting angry Zabuza was preparing to throw the shuriken he caught at Naruto but was blocked by Kakashi's hand.

"Naruto.. Your strategy was outstanding. You've grown up.. Both of you", Kakashi said.

Then Naruto started explaining his plan and thanked y/n for helping to distract Zabuza who gave a big smile.

'They work so well if they just stop being brats, huh' y/n thought.

Zabuza couldn't accept that he was forced to let go and was making excuses, but Kakashi reminded him that he was just making excuses.

Everything was at a stand still while the two Jonin were glaring at each other. Suddenly Sasuke, y/n and Sakura moved in front of Tazuna.

Zabuza closed the shuriken applying more pressure on Kakashi's hand but Kakashi pushed back. As the shuriken went flying, they both jumped back, putting distance between themselves.

Zabuza began making hand signs at a fast pace which Kakashi copied using his sharingan eye not missing a beat.

Two water dragons emerged simultaneously, attacking each other. Due to the dragons clashing everyone on land too were drenched.

Kakashi was blocking Zabuza's sword with a kunai. Zabuza was starting to doubt things. While everyone were busy watching the match, they failed to notice the appearance of a newcomer.

Both of them backed away once again. Zabuza moving and Kakashi doing the same. Following his every movements.

Everyone were stunned. Kakashi even said the same thing as Zabuza at the same time making him doubts everything even more.

Zabuza began seeing his own illusion behind Kakashi. While Zabuza was busy doubting, Kakashi went ahead and completed the jutsu.

Jutsu hit Zabuza with full force. Zabuza tried but couldn't do anything against the force. Water made it's way on land, hitting trees and taking them off the ground.

Finally it stopped, hitting a big tree and slowing down. Zabuza was recovering when four kunai hit him.

Slowly water went back to it's original place. Zabuza asked, "Are you able to see the future..?"

"Yeah.... You're going to die!", Kakashi replied.

Y/n's POV

Suddenly two senbon needles came out of nowhere and hit Zabuza, shocking everyone of us.

I looked for the source, only to find a boy probably my age standing on a tree. He was wearing an ANBU mask.

"You were right. He died", the boy said.
Kakashi-sensei check, but found no pulse. He then looked at the boy.

"I thank you. I have been waiting for the chance to kill Zabuza", the boy bowed.

"Judging by that mask.. You're a tracker ninja from the Hidden Village in the Mist", Kakashi-sensei said.

"Impressive. You're very knowledgeable", the boy said.

Naruto questioned what a tracker ninja was. Sakura explained it to him. Naruto ran ahead and looked from Zabuza to the boy, getting triggered.

Kakashi-sensei intervened. Naruto talked about his frustration about the situation but Kakashi-sensei just told him that there are people who are younger than us, but stronger than him.

The boy disappeared and appeared next to Zabuza, picking him up, excused himself and disappeared with Zabuza's body.

Naruto started punching the ground in frustration. 'I swear this is so... It's so frustrating. I need to train harder. This is pissing me off' I thought.

Kakashi sensei reminded us the mission is not over. Tazuna-san told us we could rest at his place.

As we all started moving ahead, we saw Kakashi-sensei fall. We all ran towards him. I checked him, only to find him passed out of exhaustion.


Hey guys! Suprise! Surprise! Great isn't it? Well I hope you aren't disappointed after reading. Though I still think my writing isn't good but I would like to know my readers opinion. Do give a feedback. Thank you for reading. Have a great day 💕💕

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